Text Cut: LOL HAHA
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Cool. Just checkin'.
Theo grabbed himself a blindfold, eyed it for a few moments, then nodded at Kat. "Okay, cool." Okay... He held it in front of his eyes then spent a good few minutes tying it up. Once it was done, he sighed heavily, picturing Kat and Ella making faces at him without him noticing. Paranoia, see? He had that.
Theo held his hand out in front of him, trying to find the cauldron.
More table....
Theo snapped his hand back as he appeared to have caressed someone's hair. "Sorry." Hopefully it was Kat, and not Ella. Awkwaaaaaaard. Okay, there was the cauldron. Theo dug his hand deep into the pot, to the very bottom, until he pulled out a bean. AW MAN - HE NEEDED TO SEE IT.
He stood there idly for a few seconds, just holding the bean by his mouth. Dude, there were GIRLS watching, he had to be a man and just do this.
POP. Into the mouth it went. Bleeeehhh... It was bad, but not THAT bad. "I tastes like... burnt.... burnt bread." He chewed it... and chewed it... and then he swallowed it. Burnt bread hmm.... OH DUH - "TOAST!" Theo shrieked.
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Ella just beamed at Theo as Kat explained the rules. His enthusiasm was refreshing and really, she hoped the rest of the students were feeling this excited about their event. She scooped some ice cream into her mouth as she waited for Airey and Theoman to get their blindfolds on, ready to wish them luck and st-
"That's uh...not the cauldron, Theo." AWKWARD. ..."It'sfine."
Anyway..."Good luck, you two."
Okay, everything was set now. Instructions were explained; Theo should know what to do now. "
Good luck," Kat said and observed all of the participants of this challenge. Yep... she was SO ready for the disgusted faces and the grimaces once they realise they ate a BOGEY flavoured bean. Ohhhhh that'd be awesome. And then...
HAHAHA. Ella had nice hair right, Theo? Kat tried to hide her silent fits of giggles, covering her hand over mouth. That was priceless. And BINGO! Toast flavoured bean, that was. Theo received an approving nod... even if he couldn't see it. Aw.
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Every Flavor beans, no challenge at all for Asher. He was king of the bean. He knew he's get this without any problems. After approaching the table, Asher reached into the cauldron and pulled out a bean. He allowed the bean to warm in his mouth before biting down. The flavor was surprisingly familiar. "I know this. It's fresh, yet earthy." Asher allowed the bean to roll around his mouth a bit more. "I know, I know. It's sprouts!"
Wanting to let his mouth clear of the sprout flavor before starting on bean two, Asher took a sip of water and waited for a moment.
And then another participant. A Hufflepuff, to be exact. Yeah, Kat was going to let Ella handle this one. Hehe. And... yep, the blindfold was IMPORTANT. Wear it, please. Good. Moving on...
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"I certainly am, Miss Hudson!" Or he thought that was Miss Hudson's voice. If it wasn't then his apologies to whoever the voice had actually belonged to. "BRING ON THE BEANS!"
Now...did he sit here with his hands out waiting for a bean to be placed in his hand...or was he supposed to open his mouth and wait for one to be dropped in? Clicking his plastic fangs together, the professor decided to go with both. Hands out and mouth hanging open. Mmmmmhmmmmmmmm.
Blindfold secured, check! "
Good luck, Professor," Kat said and watched stuff. Oh Merlin, what happens if Flamsteed got a bogey flavoured bean? Or a vomit one? Anything gross and ew-y. That was totally the FUN in this challenge, watching people make faces.
Now he could pick a bean now. Go on! Hopefully the fangs don't fall off, yeah? They didn't need a pair of plastic fangs inside the cauldron full of flavoured beans right now.
And... any more participants? COME OOOOOON.