Thread: Glued-on-Goo
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Old 07-03-2013, 08:23 PM   #24 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
He watched her as she held out her arms for balancing. That was a good idea. Theo did it too, but didn't feel that it did ANYTHING to their overall position. He soon gave up and went back to holding onto his friend. But -

Theo let go immediately when Cassia mentioned it. Was he really holding her that hard? How embarrassing. "Cassia... it's all over... my SHOE-eees." He yelled the last part, but it got cut short when she clutched hold of his arms sending him into a flailing tizzy. He tried to keep his feet still, but his upper body couldn't handle it and he FLOPPED forwards. Thankfully his hands were there to protect him, and they went SMUSH into the goo.


"Help. Me. Up." He wanted to pick himself up but he didn't want to risk falling on his butt into this goo.


If he knew this was coming, he would NOT have bothered with this stupid race. The goo started to squelch between Theo's fingers and he honestly thought he was going to throw up.

What kind of germs was GOO made out of?!
A mini-heart attack hit her when he wobbled! If he goes down so does she! jkfburgrifnkjbt! This was dangerous. She wanted to take another step but then decided against it since neither of them was that good at keeping their balance. Better if they waited for each other to step as long as they weren't moving their linked legs. Glancing at Theo's face she saw fear and was pretty sure her face just mirrored the expression. How did they get in here again?

Opening her mouth to try some reassuring words, ones she didn't believe in but felt obliged to tell, all about spirit. Well, here's the thing. She didn't get to say those words because Theo was swaaaaying! Cassia released his arms and tilted her upper section in the opposite direction. Balance! Come on, was it harder than riding a broom? Obviously, yes. She shut her eyes not daring to see if Theo fell and lost balance. But like less than a minute she still was standing then it meant he was, too. Because if he fell, she'd too.

Her eyes opened slits then fully opened them and tried not to laugh. Though it was hard! With Theo standing but not straight as he hands were on the floor supporting his body. OF course she made sure not to laugh out loud, but the smile was huge. Could he see her? It'd be hard to turn his head around, right? Hopefully.

"okay," She managed hoping her voice didn't give away any amusement. "First, don't think too much. You kinda look green," Throwing up would only make the floor more slippery. They didn't want THAT! She angled her body trying not move her linked leg, because any movement would cause Theo to lose his.....hilarious position.

Glancing up she smiled at Alice. The girl looked amused. Cassia couldn't blame her, surely it all looked hilarious from there. And did Lex just hit the floor. Poor, headboy. Not that they were doing any better.

The snakette reached for her friend's shirt and gripped it. She was going to pull him from his back so he'd be able to stand straight. Easily said than done.

"On the count of three I'm going to start pulling you up gripping your shirt," No time to feel uncomfortable now. "one...Two..." She took a deep shaky breath, "Three..." With both of her fists, she gathered his shirt and pulled gently. But she herself was wobbling on the spot now and feeling her upper body swaying backwards.

Holy cat!
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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