Thread: Glued-on-Goo
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Old 07-03-2013, 05:30 PM   #16 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
Theo frowned some more. Come on, he didn't want to FROWN at a fun place like this. Once he was done, he kinda stomped his foot onto the ground all sulky like. "Done." Okay, now they were together, and Theo disliked the feeling already.

GOsh, imagine trying to get a first year Theo to do this? PFFT.

"Yeah right... I have agility." You know, it came from him being an epic quidditch player. Theo finally grinned at Cassia and was now kinda excited to see what lurked beyond this point. Once Alice gave them the go ahead, Theo put his free foot in front of him and yanked his other one with Cassia attached to it.

Come on now, get a move on.

And off they went!
She stood tensed waiting for the 'GO', but she knew she wasn't supposed to be tensed. She had to be relaxed. Not totally because she needed to stand straight and hold to her spot and all that. Agility She didn't really know if that was a good thing for her or not. Like she didn't know if she had agility. How do you know you do? You probably find out in situations like those. Oooh boy!

"See you on the other side" She grinned right after Alice announced for them to go.

Heeeeeeere it goes.

Copying Theo, Cassia took a step with her free leg thinking that they needed a rhythmic pattern to be safe. BUT Theo was ahead by one millisecond so when he moved his leg which was linked to hers, she flailed in the air and miraculously managed to gain her balance again. "I thought we were going to count.." She muttered. Though they said no such thing but now it sounded like a very good idea to have agreed on.

Taking a second to gain balance, she moved her RIGHT leg which was linked to Theo's. Ooops. Kinda broke the pattern. See she was used to taking the first step with her right leg. Hopefully, Theo caught up.

And hopefully there was no audience because the fourth-year feels uneasy being watched. Creeepy.
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