Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.
Whoever said bouncing around at night when you could hardly see was a good idea
lied, like big time. She'd stopped counting all the people she'd run into and was now more set on just enjoying this fest for what it was; epic awesomeness.
Alexa kept bouncing until she saw the sign, read it briefly then hopped over to Oakey!!
"HAI!!!" She popped up with a grin in the dim lighting.
"What's thiiiiiiiis, what's on the other side?? Are you giving out candy if I participate here? Why do I need a partner, how come your drinking that? Are you participating as well? AM I TALKING TOO LOUD???" All very important questions, obviously.
She continued grinning while she waited on the answer or someone she liked to show up. If she needed a partner it couldn't be someone she was on less than happy terms with...there would be no teamwork...only sabotage.