Originally Posted by
hpfan18 Kace chuckled when Tobias was on high alert when he mentioned the portraits talking. "I know it is exciting isn't? I could not wait to explore when my sister Belle told me."
Kace nodded and smiled. "Well i am glad you kept your eye on the quaffle. It might have caused a broken nose or something else more drastic if you lost your concentration. I might ask Ella if i could try out different positions." Kace shrugged at the idea he was thinking about it but he didn't know if he would comitt.
Then Tobias mentioned flying and Kace smiled with glee. "I love flying at practice! It makes you feel like a different person when you are up in the air. No one would suspect me to be very agressive when i am on my broom." Kace added a wink in there and a chuckle.
"I know our next game is against Slytherin and i am kind of nervous about it..."
"I take it your sister used to go here?" Tobias asked, as he kinda sorta stopped bouncing and started to walk down the corridor hoping that Kace would walk with him ('cause they were exploring together so that would kind of make sense).
He smiled as they continued talking about qudditch, because quidditch was something that Tobias was really into. Well, obviously. He needed to find a team to follow though... research was needed for that one.
"I wasn't even expecting Ella to put me there, 'cause of being so small. But I guess she thought my bounciness would help." Like a pinball. Ehehe.
"And it worked when I got the hang of it. I need to get some smaller keepers gloves though... I'm borrowing a pair at the moment."
He was rambling, wasn't he? Yes probably.
"We were like the bash brothers when we played in the first game." Tobias chuckled.
"I don't know what the bash brothers are exactly, but one of the team said it so it must be true!"