SPOILER!!: Harvey
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Harvey smiled as she agreed with him and said that he did have a point "I do? So I get a house point or a 100 housepoints?" he chuckled as he feigned enthusiasm over housepoints. Oh yeah! Harvey was back!! No one could stop him now!! It was either that or the ice cream that he may have eaten before kicking in right now. He smiled "Im just happy to help just let me know next time. Dont want you injurying yourself with these books they can be quite dangerous you know" he chuckled as he thought about how they were dangerous in that they gave you aches and pains OR that they had you stuck in the library for hours on end which in his mind was not a good thing!
He smiled and nodded "Yeah so am I" no one was more glad than him, the past year had not been great and not just cause of the breakup but cause of what followed it. His thing with some stuff and him getting into trouble cause of it, heck Mins and Ethan had to immobolise him before they called his mom and had her collect him and ground him for weeks before he figured out how to sneak out or find excuses to be able to get out of the house. He smiled as she said that she was good "Oh yes you got OWLs now, you managing the studying ok?" he asked her "You doing well in Quidditch too.. as usual" he chuckled cause she had always been amazing at it, and he was sure that in a game between him and Ella he would always lose. "I know you dont, but do take time for other things Ella, we dont want you going insane from all that studying and not giving your mind time to relax from studying and quidditch" he said getting concerned at her statement that she didnt have much time for anything else, she had to MAKE time for it. She was then asking him about Mins "Umm.. we have hung out a couple of times in the last few months or so" he said answering her question. It was nice of her to keep up and make sure that he always had people to hang out with, cause even Mins wanted to make sure they hung out so that he wouldnt get into too much trouble.
Ella smiled a little at Harvey and shook her head.
"Just an Ella point, I guess." Not as good as housepoints but awesome none the less. As for her letting him know when she needed help carrying her books, the blonde bit her lip. She knew he was joking but she also knew how Alec had been about certain things lately and yeah...she was treading lightly.
"That's okay. I'm strong and tough, y'know. I can totally handle carrying some text books." Maybe not as many as she had today but still.
"Yeah, the studying is going fine. I spend a lot of time in the library so I'm getting a lot done." Staying on top of things was the trick, she thought. Her smile broadened a bit and she shrugged at his next comment.
"It's a lot of pressure, being captain, but the team is brilliant." Which made things a lot more fun.
"I'm sure I'll be fine. Alec helped me sort out a schedule so I'm a bit less stressed than before." And before she'd been a bit of a train wreck so yeah, this was ten times better.
The blonde was surprised that Harvey and Minnie had hung out so little but she knew the older badger had been busy with Quidditch so she understood.
"It's good that you two are still close." She liked to think Minnie was looking out for Harvey and that was a good thing. She still worried about him, y'know.