Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Did he? Look nervous, he meant. Oh no, no, no. Oh no, see this was bad. Did she even REALIZE what she was doing? This girl was opening up a, ahem, conversation with him. Nope, he couldn't do this. Ferris was affectively sweating right now.
And then he blinked at her a few times. He wasn't guilty of anything at all! Except maybe perhaps stealing some money from his mum when he was twelve to buy some chewing gum after a long day of gaming, but he was innocent beyond that. He SWORE.
But she kept talking to him about being guilty and such. Eep, he wasn't guilty!
Finally, sort of kind of finding his voice, he squeaked out, "Um, uh..." Could she look the other way? She was too stare-y for his liking. "N-nothing." Honest. Gulpy gulp. "You should empty your pockets out." Which wasn't at all an odd request to Aspen. Though, if he didn't, she was really really REALLY getting good at pickpocketing, so she could just pop in and see what he had anyway.
He was a hard read though. His demeanor and physical symptoms all pointed towards guilt of some variety, but for whatever reason she did believe him. He'd done nothing. Maybe by doing nothing, he was guilty? Hmm. Tricky.... |