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"I won't help if you don't want." If he didn't. Did he? Why was he all mumbly now? "Bioluminescence is third, you forgot to count yourself," Alice informed him, still examining the gramophone. "Gra-mo-phone. It looks like a funnel." It was hard for her to guess what music was playing, too, was that a familiar tune? The muggle thing was inspected by her for a little while longer, and then she began tugging him back over to the table in the middle.
West had put a lot of work into it, she could tell, with all the china and silverware and candles and things. "I'm sitting now." She was, see? Tugged a chair out for herself and everything, still clinging onto his fingers and staring at him intently.
.. she was trying really, really hard not to talk about bugs anymore. Really.
He was being tugged all over the shed and West just didn't even try to resist at all. He could still salvage this right? Right? It wasn't that horrible, was it? She didn't even let him pull her chair out or anything, and he was trying so hard to do things all proper. He didn't mention it though, he just sat down too and sort of decided he wouldn't do stuff like this for Alice any more, because she clearly didn't really like it and he felt like what he imagined losers must feel like all the time.
He wouldn't know for sure, given he was West Odessa, and not a loser at all.
"I.... arranged food and stuff." You did that on dates. He DID say really clearly that this was supposed to be a proper one.
"Proper food, not Hogwarts food."
.... and because it was West and he wasn't happy he added,
"You're ruining it you know."