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"They're not Otetrinae for sure, those don't even produce light. Which is weird because they're still considered fireflies."
Alice.. needed to stop going on about bugs. Like now. "They do look nice though. I can help you let them go. After. If you want."
Just some stuff. "Bioluminescence is interesting, though. I would stand outside a broomshed and listen to you tell me weird facts about random invertebrates." Like click beetles, those were excellent topics to diffuse whatever this was. "That would make any day better. Or if you said stuff about vertebrates instead, that would be okay too. What's that thing?" She tugged him over closer to the gramophone, still reluctant to let his hand go.
"I could." But right now, Alice was poking at funny Muggle devices, so she wouldn't.
Maybe later.
She knew things. He liked that about her. Alices had brains. She was fascinating in all the ways. But she was
still talking about bugs and he was
still internally freaking out.
Chickening out really.
"Yeah. I guess so. After." He mumbled, hoping that After would be later rather than sooner. Nod. Nod.
"Bioluminescence is the second most interesting thing in here. Second after you." Of course. West meant it okay? And he was trying really hard to rally himself and salvage this whole thing.
And she was tugging him again. And investigating the gramophone.
"Its a gramophone.... it runs on magic." And obviously, given it was doing it at that moment, it played music.