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Whether she expected to end up here or not was moot, because this was where they were. As they'd crossed the pitch, fingers still intertwined, West had been mostly quiet, just trying to calm his nerves and hoping that it'd all be okay, and that Alice wouldn't think this was dumb or anything. And also wondering a bit if anyone had seen them walking hand-in-hand or whatever, because being open about that was part of... what this was.
They reached the dilapidated looking broomshed and West ignored the sign on the door. He grabbed the handle and paused to look at Alice. He didn't say anything though, just opened the door. The usually cluttered shed had been empty all term, no brooms, tables, benches, cauldrons, or broom care gear in sight, but it had been transformed thanks to West's efforts... with a little bit of help and a few favours from people (including Professor James and West had done his best to pretend like he didn't notice how cute she thought it all was).
It was warm, most noticeably, thanks to some warming charms. West had wanted a proper fire but hadn't been allowed that given the shed was wood and that was just asking for trouble. There was a table complete with table cloth, decorated some magically-lit, fire-safe candles giving the shed some comfortable ambiance. The table had been set with actual plates and utensils instead of stupid reusable ones. It was properly nice and all that, though West hardly professed to know things about silverware or fine china, but he'd been assured it'd do the job and class things up a bit so he'd rolled with it.
Aside from the candles, there were pretty glass jars hanging from the ceiling, each one containing several multi-coloured fireflies fluttering about, because bioluminescence was cool and West Odessa was a secret nerd no doubt about it. Also proving his nerd-factor were little paper hearts cut up and strewn artfully everywhere. On each and every one of them were runes, hand drawn and invoked, including Wunjo, Kenaz, Gebo, and Tiwaz. For reasons. And besides it was better than murdering a bunch of roses just to make a mess with their petals right? That was what West had thought anyways. An old looking gramophone was playing quietly, providing a bit of nice music too, and a still-nervous West stepped back for Alice to go inside. Or y'know, run off freaking out or who even knew? Nerves, okay?
"Its not Valentines day." He blurted, finding the need to... explain. A bit. "I didn't want it to be because I don't want some dumb day to dictate when things should be special, or a day what is shared with a bazillion other people. I wanted a day just for Alices. Or really, just for my favourite one." He was kinda blushing and all but... but it was dark enough that maybe she wouldn't even notice. Maybe.
Not knowing was no fun.
West wasn't saying anything. No answers at all. Alice refrained from asking more questions, though, because she knew he was set on whatever this was being a surprise, and because he seemed antsy, and also because it seemed like they were already at someplace. The broomshed? He knew there was nothing in there, right? But he was going for the handle anyway, and..
"....." Her mouth was gaping just the slightest bit, but no words yet. Brains weren't working enough for communication right now. What had he DONE? Staring with saucer wide eyes, Alice tried absorbing everything inside, not stepping in just yet. Tables and fine china and silverware and candles and music coming from somewhere and.. were those runes? Crouching down, one hand still in his, she examined a paper heart at the edge of the shed with Gebo drawn on it. Those.. those weren't invoked, were they? .. that didn't help with the thought process. She tilted her head up to examine what was above her instead, dropping the paper heart like it had burned her fingers. Were thoughts happening now? Her brain and her mouth and her tongue started working together for a bit of speech, just.. not much of it.
"There are insects on the ceiling." Alice's voice came out as more of a whisper, gaze momentarily flickering to him before returning to the fireflies.
"Bioluminescent insects."
There was.. a lot of things. Everywhere. She was still staring.