Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! Alec Summers waved frantically at the side of the court eagerly trying to get Ella to let him have a round with the shooter. The puff captain stubbornly remained on the court next to Nigel for another round. The two players aimed and released their shooters. The stones sped off. The blue stone leaped ahead but it suddenly started to swerve to side. When it eventually stopped it sprayed the ravenclaw bench in smelly gob. The yellow stone could lazily inch up next to the Jack stone. "1 point to Hufflepuff!" Leo announced. Match Standings: Hufflepuff 7 points Ravenclaw 0 points Hufflepuff vs Ravenclaw
Question 5 Subject: History of Magic Level: Moderate (2 points) On which date was Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington nearly beheaded?
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