Text Cut: Taylor
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Taylor shrugged, "It will be fine... I am getting over it." She giggled and smiled, "I know... but the ice-cream told me that. that bite was mine and to make it happy... I did as it told me too." Tay giggled and winked at him, smiling. Taylor nodded, "Yep, you are." Taylor pouted, "You hate girls. Geez thanks." Taylor looked ahead and laughed as she saw him running after her. Tay zig-zagged, trying to make it hard for him to hit her. She was goofing off with Harvs. He was so fun to hang with and funny too... Taylor just wished that all was okay with him. She hated seeing him upset like this.
He saw her shrug which he knew meant that she was still hiding something or that she was just about surviving, whatever it was he would try help her out. "
Ok but only if you are sure that it will all be ok" he said to her as he saw her giggle and smile. Well at least that was a good thing! He raised his eyebrows at her "
It did?" he look at his bowl "
Did you tell her that the bite was hers?" he asked his ice cream and then looked at her as she said that she wanted to make it happy "
Well then I guess you must have" he said shrugging and chuckled before he saw her wink at him which kinda stunned him but made him smile for some reason.. he didnt know why. He then saw her pouting as he said that he hated girls "
No.. no.. I.. I didnt mean it like that.. girls are good.. they are.. its just when they hurt you that.. you kinda dont like them anymore" he said. He ran after her trying to find a good aim to hit her but she was too smart and was zig zagging here and there to avoid him getting a clean shot. He threw his snowball ahead of her but it misses as she zagged there other way. He heard her laughing so at least that was a good thing she was laughing again.