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"Yeah. They're scoring a lot. And saving a lot. And hitting a lot." Elise put together a real nice team, Alice had to give it to her. Rosters were difficult. It seemed the only team that actually had a definite roster this term was Slytherin, what with Dylan's hoard of concrete players and all, but hers was still iffy. Not enough players. It was okay, though, the handful of excellent ones she had made up for the missing.
Oh. Jarvey. "Biter, have you met him? Did he insult you?" He hadn't insulted Alice yet, considering she was the one to buy him and the first to pet his head and feed him a rat and stuff. But it was interesting seeing him be rude to others. "He's tiny enough right now that she can take him everywhere. If Dora's here, she probably has him."
Where WAS Dora, though?
Oh. Alec had another snitch. This was going by fast.
And why was Lex in Ariana's lap? ... confunded. Yup. She knew it.
Cassia nodded agreeing as she watched or tried to keep track of the quaffles and bludgers and those stuffs. Though she didn't try and track the snitch. The players barely saw it how could she? And she might have not made head or tail of it all but with the commentating it was better. And amusing too. If Cassia had known that the two were commentating together she'd have given Lex a couple pieces of advise. But then that might not have helped much too.
Yes, I have, " She turned her attention back to Alice,
"Umm...He did insult me, Dora though introduced me and asked him to be nice," AFTER she was insulted. And hopefully he'd listen to her. Though it really was cute..even with the attitude. "
Yeah I got to sneak one head-pat. Then I was warned that I might get bitten," Or getting her finger off but Dora wanted to lighten the mood? Who knows! Surely the name didn't come in vain. Other than it's the one's brought him nickname.
Back to the field. And listening to commentating. Did Lex really sit on Logan's lap. Nooooot so good. Fortunately there were lots of people to witness and break any
war fight. But the two were doing...fine.
And end of game!
Cassia clapped a bit, not so excited. "
Wouldn't call it a loss, right?" She said. Since Alice was a captain and all. She'd know stuffs more than Cassia did. "
Hopefully the Eagles won't be feeling bad." She was going to check up on Blue.