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Cat had been sitting and cheering, as promised to a certain Ravenclaw, when she spotted Alice. Well heck, why wasn't she sitting over THERE? She managed to squeeze through the crowd to place herself beside the Gryffindor Captain. "Hi." She said with a greeting nudge.
"So are you Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?"
Cat. Finally, she'd been waiting.
"I'm Gryffindor," Alice informed her decidedly. No, but really, she wasn't all that fussed with who won as long as they kept each other level. Because she liked her team in not last on the leaderboard, okay? It was nice.
"And you're.. in Mo's hoodie." She grinned a little more at that realization, adjusting it on Cat's shoulders.
"Blue and Cactus clothes look nice on you." Really, everything looked nice her, but especially blue and Cactus clothes.
West's hoodie was still nicer though.
It was.
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Some names he didn't even know were shouted--he wasn't interested normally, but he wondered who that 'Hair Boy' was--and he was bored already. Actually, he wasn't bored. He was SCARED to death and he could conceal his fear with only looking bored. They were FLYING withOUT any protection! His lungs hurt from gasping every second, and honestly, that was boring.
He looked around, because he couldn't bear watching the game. He wanted to leave. He didn't want to get old worrying someone might fall or have brain concussion from those metal balls. Seriously. FLYING METAL BALLS designed to BREAK BONES. He shook his head in disapproval, and was about to get up, when he saw someone wave at him. Huh? He didn't know the girl. He looked behind him in confusion to see whether someone else had acknowledged the wave, but really... she was looking at him. The mudblood Forrest Charlton. What did she want? He vacillated between greeting her or acting as if he hadn't seen, but he was willing to do anything to distract him from game so... he closed to short distance between them and clapped once when he heard Hufflepuff got the first snitch. He didn't turn to look though. He didn't like the game. At all.
Metal balls to break bones. He could barely conceal his fear as his face had grown paler since the beginning of the game. Luckily, he had missed Minerva being hit by that bludger.
So she was a Gryffindor. He liked Gryffindors. He didn't say anything but merely waited for her to speak first. If she had waved at someone else--well, Forrest didn't have the best reputation anyway, so he couldn't be any worse if she laughed at him.
Why was the tiny puff gasping? And shaking his head? And turning pale? Alice glanced back to the pitch in confusion for a couple of seconds, wondering what exactly was going on that was terrifying enough to scare first years. There wasn't much to look at, other than bludgers and and chasers flying around. Nothing face paling to her, but then again, he might have spotted something she hadn't.
"You okay?" Did he need a healer or something?
".... want a jelly slug?" Because candy would probably help with whatever was going on with him.
"I don't think I've ever seen you at a match before. I'm Alice."
Did he want the candy or what? If not, she was eating it.
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Dylan was STILL looking around for his Honey Bee......and felt cold panic settle in his chest when he didn't immediately spot her. Had something happened that he hadn't known about? WHO did he need to threaten??
The Slytherins expression settled into a hard line.
No, he was NOT happy.
"I.............don't know." Suddenly on edge, he took a proffered jelly slug and quickly bit into it. Not knowing put him off kilter like nothing else.
Cassia caught his attention and he quickly returned the wave. She was a Slytherin, after all. He'd make time for her...Didn't hurt, either, that she was a close friend to West and Theodore...
and Gunter...Well, his presence was being wholly ignored.
Summers was doing well....Too bad.
"Go Ravenclaw."....for Beezus.
Dylan was like mauling her slug. It was candy, not Oakey, he knew that, right? Alice watched in fascination as he frustratedly bit the head off the candy and waved at Cassia and continued looking for Bee. If she wasn't there.. no stress, right? Nothing bad had probably happened, just a knock out or a cold or something. But then again, he was usually edgy, so she didn't question it.
More scoring, more bludger hits, snitches.. yeah. She was watching. Kind of.
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the fastest seeker
Should Cassia have introduced herself or something? Naaah. Who does that now a days. Probably people like her grandmother who also shake hands. She used to do so when she was a kid because he grandma told her to. But now she knows better. You just chime in. Yup. That's how it's done. A jelly slug!? See, she didn't ask for it, nor did she hint to want one. Nope, she was just admiring the choice of the captain who was kind enough to share. Though she was sharing for everyone so Cassia didn't need to be asked twice and reached over and accepted the Jelly slug, "Thanks," She said. She would've brought one for Theo but he had his bagel. And Alice didn't offer him one. So yeah.
Back to the pitch for a bit and wow trust Alec to catch the snitch. Also, Blue and Mo were doing such a great job!
"If it wasn't for the snitch, the Ravenclaws would probably be leading," She commented randomly. And right when she said that Alec caught another snitch. Wooot! Go Hair Boy. As Lex likes to call'em. Though she was rooting for the Eagles. Her friends were theeeeeeeeere.
And was Ariana and Lex bickering there. "I like the Javrey you brought for Dora," She grinned remembering that she had met Dora's new pet. Though he insulted her...But Dora said he did that to everyone.
"Yeah. They're scoring a lot. And saving a lot. And hitting a lot." Elise put together a real nice team, Alice had to give it to her. Rosters were difficult. It seemed the only team that actually had a definite roster this term was Slytherin, what with Dylan's hoard of concrete players and all, but hers was still iffy. Not enough players. It was okay, though, the handful of excellent ones she had made up for the missing.
Oh. Jarvey.
"Biter, have you met him? Did he insult you?" He hadn't insulted Alice yet, considering she was the one to buy him and the first to pet his head and feed him a rat and stuff. But it was interesting seeing him be rude to others.
"He's tiny enough right now that she can take him everywhere. If Dora's here, she probably has him."
Where WAS Dora, though?
Oh. Alec had another snitch. This was going by fast.
And why was Lex in Ariana's lap? ... confunded. Yup. She knew it.