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Mo scored. Like that was anything new, he was doing it ALL the time lately. Chaser was his forte, Alice had known that that since waaay back at the beginning of the year, see? "Go Cactus." Enthusiasm, she HAD it.
In all the crowd, it was easy to pick out the ones that weren't cheering, and she soon spotted a little Puffer in the crowd being all quiet and lonely and stuff. Did he have no one to sit with? If he didn't mind sitting with non-Hufflepuffs, Alice would even share her candy with him.
He got a wave and a smile from her before her attention was drawn back to the game.
Some names he didn't even know were shouted--he wasn't interested normally, but he wondered who that 'Hair Boy' was--and he was bored already. Actually, he wasn't
bored. He was SCARED to death and he could conceal his fear with only looking bored. They were FLYING withOUT any protection! His lungs hurt from gasping every second, and honestly,
that was boring.
He looked around, because he couldn't bear watching the game. He wanted to leave. He didn't want to get old worrying someone might fall or have brain concussion from those metal balls. Seriously. FLYING METAL BALLS designed to BREAK BONES. He shook his head in disapproval, and was about to get up, when he saw someone wave at him. Huh? He didn't know the girl. He looked behind him in confusion to see whether someone else had acknowledged the wave, but really... she was looking at
him. The
mudblood Forrest Charlton. What did she want? He vacillated between greeting her or acting as if he hadn't seen, but he was willing to do anything to distract him from game so... he closed to short distance between them and clapped once when he heard Hufflepuff got the first snitch. He didn't turn to look though. He didn't like the game. At all.
Metal balls to break bones. He could barely conceal his fear as his face had grown paler since the beginning of the game. Luckily, he had missed Minerva being hit by that bludger.
So she was a Gryffindor. He liked Gryffindors. He didn't say anything but merely waited for her to speak first. If she had waved at someone else--well, Forrest didn't have the best reputation anyway, so he couldn't be any worse if she laughed at him.