Still commentating here. and oakey.. | Avid#JennShipper | Flowers& &Butterflies | LoverOfCupcakes "sure did." she said nodding to her boyfriend and it was YUM, he should make more of these, and those orange ones, those were good too. he was cute, YUP. oh look her turn.. "my turn." she said casually taking the mic from Cambridge, even tough she wouldn't let it go SEE she could be NICE.. kinda.. "quaffle to ravenclaw and it's Nigel who catches the ball back into play as Lily, Mo and himself fly in a beautiful V shaped pattern tossing the quaffle, But it's Nigel who has it last as he SHOOTS for the goal and little Hufflepuff Tobias ZOOMS out in front of his goal and catches the quaffle with Ease, Nice save!, meanwhile those beaters are At it again trying to crack bludgers, but it is Captain Fairfeild who cracks her bludger, sending it ZOOMING right towards Kaiden, ... poor guy really.. CRACK "the bludger smacks face first with the hufflepuff as he grips onto his broom for life as he almost losses control. Is he OKAY?" Ariana was standing looking at the boy "was that a TOOTH he just spit out!?" she sure hoped not, tha'd be.. ew... "Score 50-30 Hufflepuff.
good job hufflepuff really... was Min still singing.. goodness, that child "quaffle back to hufflepuff and kaiden seems to have recoverd, is he still missing a tooth?" someone should check that, really, no mouth blood needed today. "snatching the quaffle he ZOOOMING down the pitch quaffle under his arm dodging claw players left and right before he tosses to Dixon who darts around the pitch before doing a sneaky hand off to wade that I don't think any puffs saw as he nears the hoops and tosses, SCORE for hufflepuff again!" they were on a roll really.
this was exhausting. she sipped her vegie drink |