SPOILER!!: Forrest
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Someone? Whoone? Forrest looked confused for a moment, then shrugged it off. Now that he had impressed her, he didn't want to ruin his profile by admitting he didn't understand something.
Hmm, yes. Back to hexes and body freezing.
Intent, intent, bloody intent. That was the second most frequent phrase he'd heard here--the first one was 'We'll raise money for our school'. And frankly, both of them worn old long ago. He puffed his cheeks. He didn't want any intent! He just wanted to perform spells easily like every other student could do here. He had to close his eyes and visualise for intent--what would he do when it was really necessary, then? Ask for a moment's dreaming and then perform the counter-spell at the offender?
There. His enthusiasm had vanished. When it came to intent, he had never succeed--why would it be any different now? Still, he nodded at Alexa--though less enthusiastically, he raised his wand to fail. Then they could go to her common room and get the books.
The spark in his eyes had gone out. She could tell and she knew when too. It was with the talk of intent. Probably not something he wanted to hear but it was true. She paused and looked at him, not sure what to say but then, she started talking without really knowing what she was saying.
"I used to hate that word, intent." She slipped her wand back into its holster.
"It use to be the reason I never got any spells right. You should have seen me in my first year, it was either my wand was deaf or it deliberately chose to ignore me. Everyone told me 'you need intent' and I would scowl wondering how much more I needed."
It was only after she'd done speaking that she found the point she was trying to make.
"It used to annoy me that everyone could flick their wands and flowers and daisies would come out but all I ever got was smoke, then I learned a neat trick. All you have to do is really want the spell to work, you can't second guess yourself." Like she guessed he was doing now and he was doing back in that first Astronomy class of the year.
"The wand chose you so you get to boss it around because it already likes you. Now come on, lemme see you jabbing like you mean it." GRIN.
That probably didn't help and she'd probably failed at cheering him up
again but it was the only thing she could think of at the moment. NONE of her spells worked in her first year without a few threats to her wand or the object she was trying to charm, she could see how it would all get a bit frustrating. More than a bit actually.