10-22-2010, 06:19 PM
MoM Former Character Biographies
MoM Character Biography Who used to be the department head of Level 3? There were division heads? Who was the old minister of magic back in 2064? Come check out the old ministry bios! Maybe it will give you some ideas for your new character. Perhaps your new character knows some of the old ministry peoples!
Remember though, just as with the current Bio thread, these are all OOC so if you see the character in Diagon Alley, unless they told your character they wouldn't necessarily know their history. Please contact one of the department heads if you require your post to be moved or need to receive the coding.
- If the bio was here and is an old character it has been moved here. If at any point you return to this character and want it moved back just pm one of the ministry mods!
- Pictures may not be larger than a signature (450x200, 60kb) or a PP (350x350, 60kb)
- Site rules apply
- If you notice any errors, please contact sweetpinkpixie or a Ministry Department Head and they will get to it asap. _______________ INDEX Ministers for Magic Minister's OfficeDepartment of Magical Law EnforcementDepartment of Magical Accidents and CatastrophesDepartment of Ecological Regulation and ProtectionDepartment of International Magical Cooperation Department of Magical TransportationDepartment of Magical Games and SportsDepartment of Mysteries Defunct Departments Former departments no longer active or merged with others: SA, MM, ME, DMC, and DERP