Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
Cassia knew she wasn't that tall. And she was skinny but she didn't know that her bodybuild was that small to be not spotted in the dorms. Well, yeah kinda cared about this the most. But then she turned her attention back to the fellow fourth-year who was apologizing..was she blushing or was it her hair being reflected on her face? Could that even happen? She doesn't sing when people are around. Now Cassia just felt like a creeper. Like a week ago she had ran into Bliss singing and the puffer said the same. Okay, she wasn't doing this on purpose. Okaaay!
"It....it's ok," Cassia said shaking her head, "I should've made a sound or something," You know to draw attention to herself. "Though your voice isn't bad," Not that she was focusing much but the ginger looked like she could use a compliment. The blond watched how the the nose was fixed and bed was cleaned. Well, that was easy. "Thank you," She offered a weak smile because the other girl, whose name Cassia was trying to remember, seemed to be feeling real bad. DERRY! Right! She remembered the name. Like she saw the girl around, classes and all. And their beds were next to each other so yeah.
Ink? She wasn't worried about that. "Err..Calm down..Derry, right?" Because it'd be stupid to confuse her name in such situation. Cassia patted the spot on the mattress before her ,"Have a seat you look....kinda shaken." And red. Also she was stammering. She didn't say that outloud. So the girl needed to calm down. "I'm fine. I wasn't the one in the air," She chuckled lightly hoping that it'd lighten the mood?
Reaching for a water flask on her nightstand, Cassia handed it to Derry, "Here, drink," She offered. "Water is good," Now Cassia just sounded stupid. What kind of thing to say.
In all honesty Derry was unlikely to have heard something even if she did make a sound, since she was pretty much constantly stuck in a daydream. Her voice wasn't bad? Well her dad had told her that... but she always just assumed it was 'cause he kinda had to - being her dad and all.
"Oh I... I uh... thanks." she said, wiggling her nose all Bewitched style to make the weird feeling from the nosebleed go away.
Calm down? Heh. She was doing the panicky thing again wasn't she... She did that a lot. At least she wasn't hyperventilating this time.
"Uh, yeah, Derry..." she confirmed, nodding a bit and taking a deep breath to try and calm herself. Why did she always manage to get into this situations? She should get some of that liquid luck everyone kept talking about - you could probably water it down so you could take it every day and just be a normal amount of lucky...
She sat down next to the girl... Cass...something.
"Thanks I... I'm okay." Derry mumbled, glancing at the floor.
"I um.. didn't mean to um..." Oh shut up Derry. She gave up and just took a drink of the water.
"I um... didn't ruin your homework did I..? I've um... done all mine... if you want some help..?"