Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
Ookay. So obviously Lex had no idea about the business. Good to know that their advertising last year wasn't that good. Well, that's what the new posters were for anyway. Cassia waited for the lioness to gag? Wrinkle her nose? Forehead? Something? Nothing. Suspicious. Did their conversations about those stuff actually paid off? Wow. The slytherin had no idea she'd have the skill to convince others. Though it did take a year. And it probably wasn't just Cassia's influence, but she can always pretend it was. Though the important thing is that Lex seems to tolerate this topic and stomach it. Cheers!
"What possessed me is the need of cash," She said turning to Lex and rubbing her thumb and forefinger together. "Also, Blue and I came to think we have a gift and must share it with others," She added. And please ignore the fact that they got no customers. Thank you! "Look at it from a positive angle," Whatever that was the snake said turning to her crayons to choose another one while thinking about the positive angle which Lex was ,with no doubt, going to ask about.
"Glad you did." Cassia said with grin as she drew some lines, "You know I don't like being alone," She added. Felix. The fourth-year paused and considered the question. "Umm.....I'm not quite sure," She said hesitantly. "I might have spotted a kneazle on my way her but it could be anyone's. If it was even a kneazle. When did you last see him?" Hard to tell as half Hogwarts population had kneazles.
While unfortunate people like herself were stuck with owl.
So with all nose wrinkling and stuff pushed aside she listened to everything Cassia had to say. It was important to listen because like with all other things and areas that she and Cassia had discussed, she had questions, LOTS of them. They could wait, until the girl got everything out there.
"Uh-huh...a need for cash...? You mean people would actually have to pay for these...er...'services'? Why?" That was the first question. The simplest.
"I can't see why anyone would wanna pay just so you can set them up with someone else." Don't wrinkle your nose Lex, be strong. "Seems like a waste, why not buy candy instead of getting caught up in all that?"
And of course she had other questions too.
"What gift? Is getting people into potential drama some kind of art now? How long have you been taking the lessons? You know, we talked about this, you said it wouldn't happen to you." Lottie said the same thing too but now certain people were all over certain other people. Merlin. She drew the line at Cassia snogging.
"How many customers do you even have?" Really she just wanted to know how many people they were ripping off.
Hahahaha, she was telling her to look at it from a positive angle. HAHAHAHA!
"I think I'me having a hard time doing that. You mind helping me out?" Positive. No.
"And I know, plus I'm good company to have so, I thought I'd grace you with my presence." She stuck her tongue at her. It was just her being silly
and copying her conceited friend.
"I saw him this morning...well actually half an hour ago...he doesn't look like the other kneazles. His fur is distinct." But she didn't expect Cassia to be watching her kneazle so close so describing wouldn't have helped much.
"It's fine, he'll find me when he's ready, for now, I'll keep you and your business company." GRIN.