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Unalii Elizabeth smiled and nodded at the 'Eliza' statement then again at the last name statement. She glanced at him and chuckled at the face he pulled, "Which do you prefer... Gid or Gidyun?" Elizabeth nodded, agreeing. "I hate formalities... except when they are necessary then I can stand them a little." Eliza was curious to find out more about her new boss but she didnt want to pry and upset him so she waited to see if he would strike up a different topic... or if they will just go on about formalities and whatnot. Eliza didnt want to get caught looking for a ring... since that might make it seem that she found him attractive... nope, she aint gonna do that since that would make things awkward, no? She did think he was slightly handsome but she wasnt wanting to date him... especially since she was already taken...
"Whichever is fine, I didn't even have a nickname til my wife decided Gidyun was too long to say at times." he said a fondness in his voice. And the kids had each started calling him Gid right away rather than Gidyun, though now both Torie and Norah called him daddy now. Kind of sweet really! "So Eliza what is your position on level 5. Forgive me I haven't gotten through all the paperwork yet."