Thread: The Tree House
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Old 06-27-2013, 06:09 PM   #227 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

No she wasn't looking for her kneazle. Pffft, it's not like she lost him earlier after deciding to take a walk on the grounds when he saw some birds. What gave anyone that accurate idea. Silly people. She didn't lose Felix. This walk that led her to the treehouse was merely, yeah we'll go with that. Only irresponsible owners lost their animals. Everyone knew this.

Something caught her attention as she approached it. Something unfortunately not looking very kneazle like.

Oh? Wasn't that Cassia? She was almost sure. What kind of best friend would she be if she couldn't tell it was her friend even without seeing her face? Exactly, so that was Cassia and she was climbing up after her. Lex got to the swinging drop door before she could close it and flopped in in time to see her setting stuff out and...colouring maybe? She couldn't tell from where she was so she crawled over.

"HAI!" She chirped, settling in next to her. "Watch'ya doin'?" And should she have asked about Felix? Maybe later?

She sat cross-legged, with a crayon in hand and her tongue stuck out in concentration. She was debating whether to add a purple line or a pink one. And if either which level of the color? Hmm..hmmm...Her hand hovered above the crayons which were next to her. Cassia's options were down to two but still not sure which one of the two? Maybe both? Before her hand touched them as she decided on using both the snake JUMPED!

LEX! It took her a split second until she found her voice. Wow, was she really that concentrated that she didn't hear Lex climb up behind her. Impressive spying skills Lex. And how careless of the snake. Fortunately it was her bestie and no one else. Not that she was doing anything forbidden or top secret. But the fourth-year still preferred to not show anyone just yet. Except for Blue of course. Because he co-worker needed to approve of the poster. And Lex was trusted so no problem. "Hey!" She finally responded. "Umm..." Cassia said glancing at the cardboard and all the equipment she had laid out.

Hold on? Did Lex know about CLUE? The matchmaking service? Cassia wasn't sure if she had mentioned it in Lex's presence. Mind you last year such topic would cause Lex to puke. Not that the lioness has grown to LOVE it now but at least she'd stomach it? Hopefully, because Cassia had no paper bags with her.

"I'm making an advertisement poster." She answered with a grin. "For my business and Blue's?" Maybe Lex heard about it from someone? But then Lex would have come and asked Cassia about it or at least mentioned it. "The matchmaking one," She muttered turning her head to the crayons and pretending to rearrange them. She also said while clearing her throat.

"So, what brought you up here?" She asked still rummaging through all the items. Let's not make that subject the main one, okay?
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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