Welcome to Fright Fest  map of the event Are you ready to have your charries test their fearfulness? If so, Welcome to our Fright Fest Prefects Event! Our Prefects have been working hard, and have done their best to bring you a fundraising event that not only will benefit the school, but will be a blast for everyone! So do show your bravery and join in the obstacle fun! [X] Where is this all taking place?
Somewhere dark and spooky, which leads us to outside on the grounds near the forest borders. We have used up a whole area and transformed it to accommodate for an obstacle course as well as a seating and viewing area. [X] Who can come?
Any charrie may come! Hogwarts charrie, Ministry charrie or even a D.A charrie. It’s open to ALL! [X] When is this all happening? IC: On 15th of March. It’s on a Saturday night. OOC: From the 1st of July till the 10th of July (2013…duh) [X] How will your charrie hear about this?
Students will hear about it through notice boards, prefects and chatter around the school as well as through the Daily Prophet which will also be how people outside of Hogwarts would hear about this awesome event. [X] Costs?
As Hogwarts is in need of fundraising, this will not be a free event, but do not have your charries fret the prices really aren’t so bad. The buffet of food that will be served costs only 5 sickles, and you once you pay you may fill your plate to its fullest. As for the obstacle course it costs 7 sickles to play EVERY station, but if your charrie only wants to play one station then its 2 sickles per a station. [X] What actually is all this craziness?
Like every other year, your Prefects work hard in order to create an event for Hogwarts students and this year outsiders too. This year we have gone with the theme of a Fright Fest! Be scared!
We’ve set out a whole area and have divided it into two sections. The Seating and Viewing Area - This is where you first arrive. There will be tables and food here to accommodate your hungry needs. Beside this there will be an area for you to grab a seat and watch the obstacle course as people go along participating.
The Obstacle Course is divided further into four stations:Bertie Botts Challenge – The name says it all, if your charrie is a huge fan of Bertie Botts, this is definitely the challenge for them. So get going and make some bean flavour guesses. Coackroach Cluster Race – Is your charrie ready to run some races? Plonk them here then, but do be aware your charrie wont be running alone, in their mouth they must carry cockroach clusters. Sounds like some gross fun, doesn’t it? Chocolate Frog Surprise Pie – Nom. Nom. Nom. Pies are the best aren’t they? But us prefects believe that what makes them EVEN better is a chocolate frog surprise at the bottom. Be ready to devour pies up at this station, as well as the surprise that awaits. Glued on Goo – Ever wanted your charrie to experience what detention might be like? Here’s their chance. Get them to attempt running about, tied to someone whilst running on goo. It’ll be quite like a detention minus the trouble of getting into one. Be courageous, have a good time and remember to overcome your fears!