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"Some past is good to remember. Some isn't. The key is to know which stuff to let go of, and which to hold onto." That was what she'd learnt so far from life, at least. "I'm pretty sure both wars were solely muggle wars, though wizards would have gotten involved." Bliss didn't know all that much about muggle studies, having grown up in a pure blood family. Bliss frowned at this. "Do you mean nowadays? Or back then?" .. It was all in the past now, surely.
Silly, petty muggles.
"Clearly not," she mumbled, shaking her head at her cousin. Bliss raised her eyebrow, and gave the girl a I'm-not-that-stupid look. "Thank you SO much for the advice." Because she totally couldn't deal with a headache. If she got a headache, it wouldn't be from the head-banging.
Laura looked at her cousin and smiled. "I mean back then when they were at war, it wouldn't have been good for the British to be seen with the Germans would it really." Laura had no idea what to say next so she stopped on that subject.
"I'm sorry cuz." Laura put her books away, she would study later. "Thanks for helping me study cuz." Laura was enjoying spending time with Bliss. "Want to go and grab a bite to eat together, I have mars bars and smarties and twixes and things like that in my trunk, if you want to share with me?" Laura whispered to Bliss.