What was this magazine anyway? Seemed more like a digest version of a history textbook than anything. Ethan rolled his eyes slightly then closed the magazine up and put it back on the table. He'd just wait quietly.. it shouldn't be much longer, right? He lifted his eyes to the door.. it wasn't opening. Maybe the professor wasn't in?
He checked his watch and contemplated coming back another time when he saw a familiar blonde girl approaching.
"Hi, Ella.." The Ravenclaw Prefect brightened a bit seeing the Hufflepuff Captain.. grateful that she did show up to support him with talking to Botros about this issue. Then maybe his ideas wouldn't seem so bizarre with someone else to back him up.. besides, she had as much reason to be concerned as he did if his reasoning was correct. He let out a long breath as he thought over her question.
"Well, I didn't plan anything specific, I guess.." Should he have? He figured he'd just present the facts and see what the professor thought.. they would speak for themselves, yeah?
"I mean, I kinda wrote down some shared traits the affected people exhibit along with my own personal observations." And those of a few others he spoke to.. along with the names of people he suspected to be under the influence of the "special" ice cream. Hopefully that would be enough to convince Botros to look into this and get some help with the matter. He was worried about Min's mental state especially.. what if the more exposed to it she was, the worse it got.. or did something permanent?
Ethan fell a bit lost in his thoughts, when he looked up to see the Ancient Runes professor headed towards them. Oh.. so he wasn't in his office, after all. Well, it was good luck for him then, that the older guy happened to be walking back to his office just now.
"Good day, Professor," Ethan returned his greeting with a smile of his own. He rubbed the back of his neck, for a moment, contemplating.
"Well.. we were hoping to have a word with you.. about something of a concerning matter.." And hopefully he would invite them in? Though his seating area was rather nice..