Little Fox | ½ of Lauralie | Ravenclaw with a Hufflepuff heart and a Gryffindor soul | #HouseNATARIANA Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at Bliss and gave a small smile. "I know, isn't it strange that I like Muggle studies more than I like History of Magic." Laura gave a small giggled and then her cuz was hugging her, she wasn't sure what to say to that. "Thanks Cuz I needed that." Laura looked at Bliss and decided that she would ask the one question she didn't know if she wanted to know the answer to. "Cuz, would you hate me if I failed?" Laura looked straight at her cousin, she wanted a straight answer. Bliss quickly returned the smile and shrugged. "Not really, History of Magic sucks." Truth. No offense to the Professor, she just didn't like History of anything. It was quite a pointless subject in her opinion. Who needed to know when and why things happened in the past? They just did, and as a result, they had the world today. It wasn't that complicated or important. Oh, and .. "muggle studies is easy if you know the basics." Muggles' technology was so .. non-advanced in comparison to MAGIC. "No problem," she said and opened her mouth to say something else, but Laura beat her to it.
Beat her with a ridiculous question.
The fourth year bashed her head against her textbook once - just once, this time - and looked at Laura, appalled. "Merlin, Laura. Why would I hate you if you failed? It's not like it would affect me in anyway, is it?" |