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Studying was BORING.
Thing was, though, she'd promised to help her cousin study and she was going to keep that promise. 'sides, it was good to get ahead on studying, it meant that she'd be smarter when it came to her own OWLs next year. Next year. Wow. Time DID fly after all. Hopefully the next year and a bit would draaaaag and that would make up for her speeding life.
Bliss sighed and entered the library, shifted the weight of her bag on her shoulder so that it was more comfortable. She's crammed so many books in the bag this morning, it was a surprise it hadn't split. Shame Laura hadn't told her exactly what they'd be studying. Speaking of, Bliss scanned the room and soon spotted her cousin and walked over, slipping into the seat beside her. "Hey, Lo'. What are we studying?" she asked, her voice low, as they were - duh - in a library.
Laura looked up and smiled when Bliss came into the room. "Hey Cuz." Laura whispered though in truth she wanted to hug her cuz like crazy but she stopped herself from doing that since it was a library after all and you had to be quiet in a library or you could get kicked out and Laura didn't want to get kicked out.
Laura smiled. "Well I'm currently reading Hogwarts-a-History at the minute, trying to figure out when this castle was built, it was ages ago I know that much." Laura sighed. "I know that because do you know that Castle Drogo was the last castle to be in England and probably the UK and that was built in 1930, so it was built over a hundred years ago." Laura had no idea where that information came from but she had remembered it from somewhere. "I would expect this castle though the be thousands of year old." Laura was sure of that and she was having a fun time telling her cousin all this.