Originally Posted by
Team ronmione
Ohhhh. Nods were always good in Tag's mind. And now Cassia yes was agreeing even more with Tag's thoughts. Awesome! "Really? Thanks! Maybe we should try to spread this out you know. Do something fun and unique and other people will join us and living at Hogwarts once again will be a merry time!" He really believed that if everyone joined in people's spirits would be in better moods and no one would be as grumpy, especially in payment. "Yeah. Its a shame we have to pay. But I guess I'd rather pay and still be able to come to Hogwarts than it being shut down. You just gotta look at the positives." Tag said with a little nod. Paying only meant they would still be able to go to Hogwarts. If they didn't have to pay then they probably wouldn't be in the castle at the moment.
Those staircases always changing people's course of direction. Though, that could create for some fun. Unwanted, granted, but still there must've been some fun in getting lost in a castle. "Ahh. Those meanie stairs changing where you were going. But hey, at least you get some sort of adventure. That's always good, especially in a castle. Its fun to get lost and enjoy the adventure." Tag first nodded at Cassia's reasoning and then when she let her serious face break, and a smile crept upon her, his mouth slowly turned into a smile as well, laughing a bit at the thought of blaming the stairs.
She's nodded a lot but they were necessary. At least now she was nodding because she was totally with what was being said. Not like lessons, you sometimes just nod because it's not cool to sit like a statue. Not that statues weren't cool. "
We should," She agreed. Vocally this time. "
What do you think would alert the attention of the Hogwarts population, Philosopher Tig ?" She said standing straight and speaking in a classy tone. Yeah the girl was so much into acting and shows. Cue why she suddenly broke into a show. Some found her silly. Didn't work to stop her.
Exactly!" She
squeaked commented. "
In my first year, I got lost tons of times," She said with a sigh. "
Portraits would laugh at me, not all are nice you know," She added. "
But then an older student, a Ravenclaw helped me out to know my way around." Cheesy and boring story. It didn't seem that boring inside her head. "
Though it doesn't end, does it? Stairs wouldn't care who was on them." If they even knew. "
If I were a set of stairs I wouldn't, actually I'd have fun changing routs." That was said with a giggle. And might have sounded both lunatic and Slytherin. She just spoke up of what she thought you know.