Thread: The Stands
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Old 06-22-2013, 05:57 PM   #210 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good

Cassia's eyes moving from player to another, from quaffle to bludger...the snitch was too fast and tiny for her to see. If she tried harder she might succeed but she just didn't. Effort. And the important thing was that the captain spots it, which he did. Awesome! Absolutely awesome!
Text Cut: Min

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva smiled at the two, but kept moving her eyes back to the pitch. She wasn't going to let her eyes leave that Seventh year on a broom out there. No, he was the most important thing for her to watch. Then she cringed as the snakes got another quaffle past him. These snakes were good, but she knew nerves were probably getting the best of him as well.

She turned her eyes back on the other two. "Well that's good, I'm great! Be even better if Claws could win this and Ethan be in a good mood." She wanted him happy and wanted him to do well. She then got a huge grin on her face and looked to the pitch at her keeper boy. "Yes Ethan is a prefect this term and playing keeper for the first time. He's great." at everything she smiled looked back at the pitch. Then felt at little blush and sipped her hot chocolate again. Hmm needs more ice cream, "I'm going to scoop some more ice cream in my hot chocolate. Anyone want any? I have a few extra cups and spoons in my bag. I came prepared this time!!" When they had to wait it was the perfect time to hurry back to the castle and resupply.

Her eyes snapped as she heard his name.. What. what was going on with Ethan. Sighing with a little relief that no bludger was near him she grabbed her sign again, "Come on Hot Keeper Boy you can do this!! LETS GO CLAWS!!" She did have a few friends on the snake side, but they wouldn't blame her for wanting her boyfriends team to win, how could they. Now back to the ice scream. Scooping it into her cup her baby blues snapped again as she heard Alice saying about the bludger, was it coming to the stands. She should have brought her bat with her. Looking around she cringed as it hit West in the face. Ouch that had to hurt.

Cassia didn't want to sound rude anything but she wanted to point out that the Slytherins were likely to win because they caught two snitches. But the older Hufflepuff was in such a good mood and cheering for her boyfriend so it'd just be rude to say that. So the snake help her tongue and smiled over, "Well, both teams are playing pretty well,anyway," She said excitedly. Cassia peered at Min's cup, she -Cassia- had never tried this combination of hot chocolate and ice-cream together. She made a mental note to do so. "Thank you, Alec offered me." She answered. Okay, she was ALWAYS going to sit with Hufflepuffs at the stands. Such generous people. And cheer good.

Text Cut: Alec

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
OH HEY! Minnie was here!

Although, it was hard to miss Minnie's entrance into the Stands area since she was cheering rather loudly for her Ravenclaw. Alec grinned at the older girl as she turned to face him and Candy Girl's friend. He really needed to find out what the girl's name was and possibly give her a nickname too. After all, what if she got offended by only being known as Candy Girl's friend? Exactly.

"Yeah, it's brilliant!" You know, apart from the weather. "And I'm great, thanks to this little thing here!" As he said this, he held up his bowl of ice cream, still grinning. "How are you? And are you excited?" Was she? It was Quidditch, after all. GRIN.

OH. HEY. HEY HEY HEY! "YES!" ... He was enthusiastic about this idea. That was all. "We have enough for all three of us, right?" IT WAS TIME TO START THIS ICE CREAM PARTY! GRIN.



Hearing a loud screech and a familiar voice, the sixteen year old jumped and turned his attention over towards the commentators box. OH HEY. PENELOPE AND HULK! Did they want ice cream too? They each got a very enthusiastic wave from the boy before he turned back and-



Which was caught. By Dylan. Claps for you! "Come on Aidan! You can do this!" S Seekers, you know. Gotta support each other.

... Also... had the new friend girl been moving around a lot or...? "Anytime!" SEE, no one could resist ice cream! And anyone who did was just... well... that was just odd, yeah? As for whether he had another spoon... "Erm..." The boy tapped the pockets of his shirt before reaching into one and fishing out a plastic spoon. "For you! It hasn't been used!" he said, holding both the spoon and the bowl of ice cream out for the girl.

Candy Girl would be so proud!

Accepting the spoon with a beam, Cassia grinned at Alec, "Thanks again, Smart to bring another one," And fortunate for her. Cassia, casually, dipped her spoon in the bowl taking a spoonful of ice-cream in her mouth. Always delicious. She'd have said that out loud but her mouth was full so she ended up nodding at Alec with an approving look. That should be translated as that is very delicious. Hopefully, the seeker would get it...or he'd just think Cassia was weird. After swallowing and reaching for another spoon she turned to Alec and said, "And I'm Cassia by the way," Because she was eating from his bowl. And she knew him because he was an important player so it'd be awkward that she didn't introduce herself. So she did.

And THEY WON! Cassia kinda jumped up as the Gryffindor captain announced that Snakes have caught the third snitch. Brilliant. Now the common room will be all happy and beaming and stuffs. No grouchy faces. Clapping her hands she cheered some more and shouted a couple of encouraging words for the team and stuffs.

Oh look, Lex was there. Cassia waved at her excitedly with a grin on her face. She hadn't seen her, the lioness must have been carried away with the game. Mhhm. Definitely that.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours

Last edited by the fastest seeker; 06-22-2013 at 06:06 PM.
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