Commentary Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia Penelope was TRYING not to eat too many jelly slugs at once so they could conserve them in case this match took a really long time, but it was hard. She was super hungry, okay? Cold made her hungry. Well technically everything did, but that wasn't the point. In an effort to keep her hands away from the slugs for a few minutes, she started fiddling with her Slytherin tie as she watched.
Theo scored and then - oh man, West got hit. That wasn't cool. She eyed Alice while that happened. Yeah, she wasn't pleased.
Probably ought to take that mic from her soon, yeah?
So she did. "Okay, well, Hudson throws the Quaffle back into play - right at Stark since he's hovering carefully near that end of the pitch now. He hesitates but takes off, looking for someone to pass to. Ravenclaws are coming him quick, but Kinsley comes to his aid and Stark quickly throws it to him, and he takes off, rushing past the group of Claw Chasers. One in particular flies after him - Johanson, and she catches up quickly, elbowing him furiously when she reaches him. Hey, isn't that a - oh, yep, James is on it. Penalty for the Claws for cobbing." Seemed a weird penalty if biting and worse things were accepted, but she wasn't gonna argue. It was a pretty old rule anyway, been around awhile. "Play resumes and Kinsley throws the Quaffle to Odessa. Seems he's okay after that bludger. He reaches the hoops and throws it - but misses. Aw." Shame.
Asdfghjkl wait, was that the snitch again?! "Seekers have spotted the snitch in the middle of the pitch and they're racing after it again. Stone was a little closer, but Montmorency is quickly gaining speed, and they're side-by-side now, trying to pass each other - it's Stone - it's Montmorency - Stone - Mont- He's reaching out - the snitch tries to change direct, moving to the right - but that only plays right into Montmorency's hands and he grabs the snitch! Slytherin now has two snitch captures!" Woo!
Not wasting any time on that though, it seemed, because Quaffle was quickly thrown back in after that miss. "McCarthy throws the Quaffle back into play, and Johanson catches it. She flies off, zigzagging to get around Slytherin's Chasers. Odessa tries to grab at the Quaffle as he passes her but she zigs away just enough to avoid him, and passes quickly to Castell who then tosses it to Branxton up by the hoops. He shoots - but it's blocked by a diving Hudson! No score, 150 to 65, Slytherin in the lead."
__________________ if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥  together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger |