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Old 06-22-2013, 01:26 PM   #20 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Text Cut: Ethan & Ella
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Ethan headed up the stairs towards the fifth floor. Making the turn down the corridor, the Prefect ignored the dusty old portraits as they conversed with each other and tried to engage him as well. He had more important things on his mind, which is why he made the trip to this particular floor. Ella had told him that Botros was a good person to talk to about certain things.. and he trusted her judgement. Hopefully he was in his office..

He turned once more in the direction of the professor's office and he slowed his pace. Huh. He had never been in this very specific part of the castle.. it was a kind of nice waiting area. He gave the area a cursory glance, then approached the door. Lifting his closed fist, Ethan gave the door a couple swift raps then turned to take a seat on the double couch. He wasn't completely sure if Ella was going to meet him here, but he hoped. She would back up his theory, he thought.. then hopefully the elderly man wouldn't just think he had completely lost his mind. Glancing down at the table, he picked up a random magazine and started flipping through it as he waited for an answer to his knock.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella had been thinking over what Ethan had told her and it made her very worried. If his theory was correct, well, lots of people she knew wouldn't be very happy, would they? Frown. The blonde continued on towards Professor Botros' office, knowing she'd find the older boy waiting there. She'd told him she'd come for moral support, yeah? Yeah.

"Hey there," She greeted quietly, taking a seat beside him. " ready for this? I mean, you know what you want to say and stuff?" Not that he needed to prepare a speech or anything but Ella hoped he had some stuff in mind that he planned on sharing.

The blonde then sat back and her seat and watched the door, waiting for Botros to open up. Hopefully he was around to chat, yeah?

Botros had been out, visiting Leo and pondering whether or not he should continue upward to the Divination tower to see Callie when he spotted a couple of students standing at his door. He switched directions and walked down the corridor, his cane clanking sounds on the stony floor. "Good day, kids." He gave them a big smile, his rememberall glowing red and half-visible from his breast pocket. "What can I do for you?" Feo was with Leo today, thank Merlin, he could use some quiet conversations.
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