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Team ronmione
"EGGaxctly!" Tag responded enthustiastically to Cassia. She was on the right track definitely. "And there's nothing better than having fun. And these trolls found an excellent and unique way to do it. Perhaps we should all go about it that way this term. Everyone seems to be having trouble with payments, but if we let loose a bit have fun and enjoy the company of each other than maybe things would lighten up!" Woweh! The little blonde had never said so much. Encouraging words. That's what this school needed. And lifted spirits. Wow. Cassia was really hitting all the points today. She was really understanding Tag. "The less you care, the more fun you'll have!"
"Its really no problem." Tag reassured her. He hadn't minded actually. For a second he was confused as to why she had called him Tig, but it was just a one vowel mix up. The boy would let it slide by. No big deal. "Ahhh, Cassia-YES! I got confused for a second." He had to admit to her.
Taking a tour? Tag called it 'getting lost'. But potato, potatoe! Everyone saw walking around the school in different manners. He still got lost around here, everyone did, he assumed. "Taking a tour or getting lost?" The leprechaun said with a slight grin. Cassia didn't seem to like the cold, but Tag did. Perhaps it was because he is a December baby? Either way it was chilly outside. "I am doing excellent! Really, terrific actually." He had stuff planned for the weekend that was making him really happy, so everything was going really well for him.
As Tag emphasized the idea of having fun, the Slytherin just kept nodding along to his words. If only everyone believed in this. Especially, older students who had a habit of just mopping around. They annoyed Cassia. "
I couldn't agree more." She said,
"Though, I really hope this money hurdle goes away." She added because she really did. It sucked having to spend a portion of your money just navigating and eating? "
I like how you put it, should become a motto," She grinned at him. "
With credit to you for phrasing it." Because everyone should take credit for what they do. That's how Slytherin mind worked.
Cassia smiled to Tag's kindness, he's cool she thought. The snake giggled when he asked about getting lost. "
Well, I might have been lost but only because staircases decided to move before I got to my destination," She told him. "
So it's totally the stairs' fault, not miiiine," She tried saying it with a serious tune but the smile failed her. Okay, she gets lost but she wasn't going to admit.