Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
Boring day. Just like most of those days. Classes and classes and homework not to mention paying every other step you make around the school. Seriously? Was it a plan to make students leave the school? hmm...Though that wouldn't make the school look good, no? She didn't really care about that anyway. She cared about herself and her money. Yup she tends to be self-centered.
So after one class she managed to sneak away before the next one and headed towards the bathroom. If she gets late and anyone asks she'd have a perfect excuse. Yup. No one can control their....you know bladder. Pushing the door open, Cassia peered inside checking if Moaning Myrtle was inside because that certain ghost was kinda annoying with the moaning and all. Glad she didn't see her or hear her, the fourth year entered.
Though the thing with ghosts that they could appear any second. Meeh. She was gonna trust her luck.
The Slytherin, stood before a sink and stared at her reflection. What was she waiting for? OH BLUE! When class ended she kinda half winked, half gestured to her Ravvie bestie. Did the girl get the hint of 'let's go to the bathroom'? Hopefully! Besides Blue was smart so she'll work it out. Meanwhile, why was that strand of hair sticking out like thaaat! Gotta be fixed.
Rule numero uno in the girls' guides: never go into a bathroom alone.
What happened when you go into a bathroom alone? Well for starters you get attacked by a MOUNTAIN TROLL. That's what she read, at least, in Hermione Weasley's biography. So what Cassia's was doing was absolutely, positively
insane. Blue didn't worry particularly but she didn't dawdle either. She did
not want her best friend getting attacked and eaten by something
“Myrtle? How’re you today?!”
She had to double check always. It didn’t matter if her bladder was fit to burst -- she’d hold if Moaning Myrtle was haunting the toilets again. No answer. GOOD. Cassia, here I come! Blue slid into the bathroom, making a beeline for the Snakette fiddling with her hair.
“You should tie it up.” No greeting. Clue had a relationship which didn’t require pleasantries any more. Just a smile for a greeting, if one at all.
“I have a spare hair tie if ya want.” She pulled back the sleeve of her robe and rolled the green bobbin down and held it out for her friend.
Her OWN hair was a mess. Potions fumes, you know. It was going all....crazy and curly. No longer smooth and sleek. She scowled at the shared reflection and yanked her hair out of her side ponytail, pulling out a few strands.
“I wish I had straight hair like yours.” SIGH SIGH SIGH.