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Old 06-20-2013, 08:24 AM   #21 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Text Cut: Lexxxx
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

You know what was fun? Hopping. It got you where you wanted to go and it did so in a super cool fun way that probably had people staring at you but that was only a problem for those who actually cared what people thought about them. That being the case, it didn't apply to Lex and she was HOPPING around Hogsmeade.

Hop. Hop. Hop.

Yeah her father was there and she was super excited to see him but at the same time she wasn't all that thrilled to see Jessa. He should have known better than to take her with him so after collecting some extra money and pointing him toward the donation station she went off looking for Cassia. It wasn't that she'd forgotten they were meant to meet, Merlin no, it was just...where would have been a good thing to mention; just saying.

Alexa kept hopping along her way until she hopped right into someone. "Oi, watch where I'm going why don't y--OH, Cassia!" GRIN. And people said running into other people was a bad thing. PFFFFFFT. "I knew I'd find you eventually! It didn't even take that long!!" So what if she was now bouncing in place. At the moment she had enough energy to power a rocket. "Have you gone through any of the shops yet??" Hopefully she hadn't missed that crucial part.

By now she had spotted most of Hogwarts population but her bestie lioness hadn't made it yet. What was she up to? Was it possible that she was with her Dad. Would she actually spend the time with him? Naaah. She'd probably just say 'hi' and stuff. Though saying usually didn't take that much of time. Oh well, Lex's 'hi's probably took a liiiittle bit longer? Probably.

Spotting someone with blond hair and a skipping gait, the fourth year craned her neck towards that person but at the same time someone bumped into her. Can't people see, seriously! Turning towards that person with a scowl which didn't last much seeing that it was Les herself. Ok, was she the one hopping towards here? Of course she was! Cassia still smiiiiiiled for her bestie. "Hey, Lex, about time." Not that anything interesting has happened but it sounded like the thing to say. For an unknown reason. "Oh well, I was smart enough to wait at the street so I'd be easily found," She said proudly with a flip of her hair. Yeah, her ego had come so high lately. Shaking her head no, the Slytherin linked her arm with Lex's and started walking slowly, "No, actually I haven't yet." She answered. "I don't really want to buy anything, do you?" She asked.

"Also, did you get to see your dad? And did you see mine?" She asked not because she wanted to go see him but just to know if he had come eventually. "I don't like that he is donating to the school." She simply said. Yeah, kinda sounded selfish and evil. "It'd have been better if I had gotten a raise on my allowance. You see Mike sent me a third of his and promised to do so every month," She said with a beam. Her brother was sweet. Just like herself. "Though it's a secret." Cassia added looking over to Lex...who was grinning big time! See grinning was cool but the Slytherin actually feared for her bestie's cheeks? The might actually stretch and it'd be not so cool.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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