You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you FLOP Mack threw herself into the closest armchair she could find, looking around the common room was fairly empty, for that she was greatful. Pulling out her wand she mumbled the incantation [b]"Incendio"[b] and a fire roared to life in the fireplace. She welcomed the warmth as it blanketed over her.
She was having a hard time today with knowing she was alone, her grandparents hadn't sent anything since the quidditch match, which they did not attend even though they had promised that they would. She was beginning to worry about them and decided that she would sent an owl in a few days and hopefully would get a response. The blonde decided that it was the cold weather making her feel the way she was.
She curled up in the chair and let the heat of the fire cover her.
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