Dylan, dressed down in his Greenbay gear he'd gotten on holiday, settled in under the transparent tent. The stars were exceptionally bright for a January night...his eyes dilating as they casually peered up. Grasped tightly in his hands were refreshments...The coffee had been more appreciated than anything else on the table...and Dylan had fixed his up right...Lots of cream and sugar. He also had a huge piece of chocolate.....Yep, the Slytherin was planning a full scale sugar rush.
No sleeping for him tonight...
Taking a particularly big bite out of the chocolate, Dylan settled back. He had yet to charm his eyes as they'd done in class...but he'd get to that in a minute. For now, the Captain was just taking it in.
It was funny how when he was aware of it, the 'dippers' were more noticeable to his eyes. Like...for some reason, they immediately searched for that particular set of stars. Interesting stuff...and probably a bit to do with some psychology...or Divination....or whatever.
He casually took another bite of chocolate and sipped his coffee.