Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! In the second round of the match it was an all boys affair as Dylan faced Jory. The two young men aimed and released their shooters. Dylan's green stone sped off so fast you could get the impression that it was being hunted. The yellow's speed was more controlled. The stones rolled down towards the Jack but the green had way too much speed and sped well past the Jack Stone and almost rolled off the edge of the court before it stopped. The yellow stone on the other hand inched up next to the Jack stone and stopped. "2 points to Hufflepuff!" Leo declared excitedly. Match Standings: Hufflepuff 3 points Slytherin 0 points Hufflepuff vs Slytherin Question 3 Subject: SS RPG Events Level: Difficult (3 points) Healing requires at least what type of Transfiguration OWL score?
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