♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty Quote:
Originally Posted by Lollipop! She wasn’t really supposed to eating sweets, according to her orthodontist. Okay, she wasn’t supposed to be eating them at all. But what did he expect from a child who lived about a gazillion miles away from her parents? That she’d just sit in a corner and munch broccoli? NOOOO thank you. She would be fairly good though, and avoid really chewy stuff that could put her retainer in danger.
She was such a little angel, wasn’t she? All she really had to do was polish up her halo. “I didn’t do much. 'Twas a fairly uneventful Christmas. Got a retainer though!” She actually liked it more than she’d originally expected. It went with her new reading glasses. Blue beeeeamed at Cat to show off her flashy piece of teeth equipment. “I also got a banjo and a pet fish. You should come over to my house next summer and you can meet him. I named him Bob.” Because all fishes looked like a Bob. “I didn’t see anyone over the holidays though.” It kinda sucked when ALL of your friends seemed to live in the same town...except for you.
“What about you? Do anything nice?”
Beamy!face. "Ooooooh!" Cat looked at this nifty thing in Blue's mouth. She was amazed that she hadn't noticed until the other girl had mentioned it. Usually she was much more observant than that. "That's COOL." She kind of wanted one too. "Fancy." She giggled, "Do you know how to play it?" The banjo that is, not the fish. Heh. "I had a fish once but my little sister "played" with him. He's dead now." Needless to say... one did not PLAY with a fish. Ya know? "I surely would like to meet Bob. Maybe you can come to my house too. You'll like Toby. He likes people." And food too. Mostly bacon.
Cat went about collecting candy. Wooo. Sugar. YES. "Holidays are like a super big deal in my family so everyone was at my nonna's house all of my 8 aunts and uncles and allllllll of my cousins." It was... crazy to say the least. "And I had far too much food." But it had been worth it. Even if her own mother wasn't the best cook, her nonna and aunts were. "I didn't see anyone from school either 'cept West. I saw him a bit."
Sugar quiiiilllsssss. |