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Minerva bounded down to the lake where she saw the tent. Wondering who was all there already she was ready to
party look for stars. Yes it was STAR PARTYING TIME..... and the greatest part about it.. She brought her own ice cream. Yes.. yes. Minerva came prepared this time. She had her on chocolate ice cream in her hand. Which probably was the reason her hand was sooooo cold, but oh well because she had ice cream.
"HELLO PROFESSOR!! READY TO FIND THOSE STARS?" she giggled a bit and looked around.
"Jory..Jory, Hey!!! Finding any stars yet?" She went over to her friend as she ate the ice cream. Yum ice cream,
Maybe we will find the Miniachi constellation again." because it totally was a new constellation whether Professor Flamsteed said it was or not.
Looking up...Game Face...
Minerva looked up at the sky as she ate. Now she was determined to find this constellation again. She looking around not finding the Miniachi, but look there.. there was Polaris. Polaris was becoming so much easier to find for her how awesome was that..
TOTALLY AWESOME.. and wait.. what was that near Polaris..
"OH MY GOODNESS.. THERE.. THERE.. IT'S URSA MINOR.. I found it.. I found a constellation.. I'm like.... Astronomy brilliant again!!" She jumped up and down. This was amazing..
More ice cream.. oh yes she would take another bite.
So back to work? Jory decided he would try to locate Draco next as he had not had time to find it back in class due to the extended time he had spent on Cepheus. He was about to turn his eyes back into the sky when he saw another Profesor enter the tent.
"Hiiiiiii, Professor!'' Jory called to the woman.
And then there was Min! Speaking rather loudly! "Miiiiiiiin!'' he called out for his friend.
"Yes, I am! Isn't this fun, Min? Want ice cream, Min? Min, Min, Min.'' Her name sounded so cooool! Min! Jory did not know why but he was suddenly feeling hyper. Again. He grinned at his friend.
"Okay, focus, Jory!'' he told himself, trying to be stern but failing all the same. But he managed to turn his attention back to the sky. Draco. Yes, he had to find Draco. As in Draco Malfoy?
"Hey, Min! Draco Malfoy turned himself into a constellation!'' The Puffer laughed. But at the same time he was scanning the night sky, using the North Star as a guide and occasionally referring to his text to check the constellations shapes.
"Found it!'' Draco was just behind the Ursa Minor and Polaris. Yup, a quick look at the shape in the book confirmed that was indeed Draco.