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Ice-cream!!! Boring books or not, she was now VERY happy that she came. She grabbed a bowl of ice-cream and some cookies then plopped down in one of the bean bag chairs (a blue one). "Hello Mr. Kitridge!!" BEEAM. "I must say the ice-cream was a nice touch!!!" Now to wait on anyone else to show up.
Leo was reading an interesting article about some of his favourite musical bands when he heard the distinct sound of footsteps coming closer. Looking up right in time as Alexa Cambridge came over Leo beamed broadly at her
"Good day Alexa." Winking at her he grinned
"I thought so myself. But it’s only for today. I wanted to give you all some treats." Quote:
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Jory arrived at the Library for the book meeting a little early. Apparently too early, as he could only see Alexa when he got there. "Hello, Alexa!'' But he did spot Mr. Kitridge reading a magazine. "Hi, Mr Kitridge!'' Jory said, headed over to the table where stuff had been set out. Lookie! Ice cream!!! Just what he wanted!
After Alexa Jory Stonewall walked in, heading straight for the food table.
"Good day Jory!" Leo greeted the badger senior with a broad smile.
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Ice cream and tea? BEAM. The blonde bounced a bit at the sight of those things and calmed down enough to manage a proper greeting for Mr. Kitridge. "Hello Sir! Nice to see you." Now what to do first, bean bag or food?
In Jory's backwater Ella walked in.
"Good day Ella. It’s nice to see you too? How do you like being a prefect?" Leo queried curiously remembering the girl’s new appointment.
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This thirteen year old was super excited for the book club meeting. She loved to read already, so reading and discussing books with friends was just like the cherry on top of a great big heap of ice cream. With whipped cream and sprinkles and chocolate syrup. And maybe a dash of cookie crumbles too. "Hi Mr. Kitridge!" she said cheerily to the librarian in his green bean bag.
"Good day Eliza, right?" Leo wondered. Putting the right name to the right face was important to build a relationship plus he wasn’t keen on calling anyone by their surnames. It was just too formal. Grinning at the eaglette he gestured towards her big plate of food
"Are you hungry dear?" Quote:
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She used her index finger to push her glasses further up her nose and peered around the door of the library. She just had to make sure it looked mildly interesting first before she made an appearance, ya know? Asdfghjkl Tea, biscuits and ice-cream. Yes, she was was definitely going to this shin-dig. “Hello Mr. Librarian.” She beamed and nodded at him. Was he even a professor? Beeeeetter not ask, if she wanted a cookie, yes?
"Good day, miss?" Leo greeted the bespectacled young girl in a cheery tone.
"Do you read a lot of books?" Maybe it was stupid question considering that the girl had come to a book club meeting but Leo was eager to know either way.
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Sky quickly poked her head into the special place set aside for the book club, checking to see if there was any indication of cleaning or selling. Nope, all good. Phew. She got that Hogwarts was between a rock and a hard place money-wise, but jeez. But nope, she wasn't going to dwell on that. She going to enjoy this meeting. So, slipped in, grabbed a handful of cookies and parked herself on a purple bean bag, ignoring the sound it made as she sat. Ahh, now this was better. "Hello, Mr. Kitridge, everyone."
After the bespectacled girl another girl walked in looking like she was happy to be there and anticipant for the meeting to start.
"Good day Miss Carter-Hope!" Leo chirped cheerily.
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Sarah bounced into the room and took it all in. "hi professor" she said. Then she spotted Alexa and did a double take - Alexa -the girl that hated reading was here? Perhaps she was turning over a new leaf or she came to keep everyone company.
Leo still hadn’t quite gotten used to being seen as a 'professor'. He didn’t exactly teach in the same sense like Sophia or Peyton.
"Good day Sarah!" he greeted cheerily
"Are you having a good day so far?" Quote:
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THE Govoni
"I'm late?" His tone was questioning as he eyed a few people...but then Dylan spied a refreshment table and stepped on over. Tea and cookies. Why not? Beezus had already destroyed his manliness with her lipstick trick. So, yea....he could be a girl and have tea and cookies.
Leo hadn't seen the latest young man arrive before he heard him ask a question. Turning a little he called over.
"No, Mr Montmorency the book club meeting hasn’t started yet." Since the invited guest speaker hadn’t arrived yet.
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Stepping into the library, she bit her lip as she glanced around at those present and took in the situation before noting the large table with ICE CREAM. Leo hadn't mentioned there would be food! Helping herself to a large bowl of the cold sweet, she stuck a spoon in the bowl as she made her way over toward where several students were already seated and sat down on a purple bean bag.
Leo wanted to bounce up and down on his bean bag. Fina had come to the book club meeting just like she had promised.
"Good day Professor Hadley!" he called out as she past by him on her way to pick up some food and a purple bean bag. Now where was Medea?
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So, needless to say, she was a little bit excited to hear about a book club. "Hello." she greeted as she passed the librarian. Was it bad she didn't know his name? She'd only been to the library a handful of times since she started school.
"Good day Ms Phillips!" Leo greeted as the lioness past by his bean bag.
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When she made it to the middle of the library, Norma instantly noticed the tea, cookies, and ice cream that had been laid out on one of the tables. This intake of sugar meant that they would be an active group of children, right? Her eyes twinkled with delight as she gazed at those who were already enjoying the goodies that their librarian so kindly left out for them. Speaking of the librarian, Norma finally spotted the man reading a magazine on a lime green bean bag. “Excuse me, Mr. Kitridge?” she asked, hoping he wasn’t too into what he was reading. “I’m Norma Smith. Thank you so much for inviting me here today.”
Leo was just debating what to do with his magazine when a shadow fell over the magazine page. Looking up at the senior lady standing in front of him he beamed broadly as he stopped up. “Yes, I’m Mr Leobald Kitridge.” Extending a hand for a shake he blushed at her comment. “No, it’s us that should thank you for coming and talking to our students. Its a pleasure to meet you mrs Smith. Did you go to Hogwarts in your youth?”
Gesturing towards the food table he said “Feel free to grab something to eat. Would you like a bean bag or would you prefer a chair?”
Clearing his throat he addressed the assembled students. “Everyone the meeting will start in just a few more minutes. Get yourself a bean bag and some treats if you’d like.” Following his own words Leo walked over to the food table and poured himself a cup of tea.
Several minutes later Leo cleared his throat and said to the assembled student’s and Fina and Norma.
“Welcome to this term’s book club meeting. For those who don’t know me I’m Leobald Kitridge, the school’s resident librarian.”
Motioning for Norma to come over he said
"Today, we've got a special guest speaker here to talk to us about her famous Plimpy soup book and what inspired her to write it. After Norma has spoken there will be time for you all to ask her questions." "Norma the floor is yours." Leo said as he sat back comfortably on his lime bean bag and sipped on his coffee as a sign that the meeting was now in Norma’s hands.