SPOILER!!: girlfriend
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xXxPandora Hmm. Okay....her ideas were a bit far-fetched than what they were really learning today. The doors didn't lead to anywhere....they were merely empty. Good thing she didn't voice those thoughts out. Heh.
Professor Knox kept speaking in front and albeit it was difficult to pay attention to anyone else with Dylan beside her, the brunette still listened intently to what the woman was telling and fervently noted all her instructions and whatnot. First off was to practice the Intruder Charm. It's incantation was Intrudus Concutio.....the second part pretty much sounded like Crucio. "Intrudus Concutio....Intrudus Concutio..." She was saying this correctly, yes? Throwing a glance at her boyfriend and listening to how he said it told her that she was on the right track. Or...if it was wrong, she and Dylan were saying it wrong together. At least she wasn't the only one. Anyway, if it was wrong....they'd find out later when they cast the charm on the door.
"Intrudus Concutio....Intrudus Concutio....in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh..." That was better? She thought it was.
"I'm ready..." She said, in respond to the Slytherin's nod. "Who will go first?"
Dylan nodded when she said she was ready and stepped forward, The door was of average size like any normal door would be. Nothing too imposing or whatever.
"I'll cast first...and then you can step through, Finite, and cast it yourself...in which case I'll step through and finite yours." Deal?
Sounded legit to him.
Wand raised, he concentrated on what he needed to do...and the charm he was about to perform. An alarm...Something that would sound off when whoever wasn't supposed to stepped through this door...An alarm....alarm....alarm.....
"Intrudus Concutio!" He was tracing the frame of the door as he firmly spoke the spell...
Was Beezy Weezy ready to step on through? Dylan stepped back, eyeing the door with a serious look. Hopefully it had worked...because that'd mean success...and he liked success.
You're up.