SPOILER!!: Alec both times :D
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Alec grinned back at Jory and nodded. "After class! First stop, kitchens!" Or... you know, they could go and put their bags down in the common room before heading off. Or... eh, those details weren't important. What was important was the fact that they were going to have ICE CREAM! "With chocolate flakes and extra sauce too!" Nodnod.
Loud? "Yeah... is it meant to be that loud?" Or was Jory just being powerful with his spell? Did this charm work like that? ... That... was something he'd have to ask Knox. Later. But for now, Jory was asking him a question. "Yeah... yeah, I just wasn't prepared for the alarm," he said, shrugging and smiling at the guy, "Are you okay?"
"Anytime!" he said, giving the guy a nod, "Erm... I'll just practice saying the incantation first, yeah?" Which meant that Jory can do whatever he wanted, really. Or... not. Jory probably wouldn't be allowed to hold up a firstie and start singing The Circle of Life at the top of his lungs in the middle of the classroom. The look on Knox's face if that happened...
... Moving on...
"In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh!" Breathe... "In... TROO... duss............... con... COO... shee... oh!" Again? "In-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh!" Was he saying it right? Yeah? No?
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"In-TROO-duss… con-COO-shee-oh…" Breathe... just breathe... "In-TROO-duss... con-COO-shee-oh... in-TROO-duss... con-COO-shee-oh..." The more and more he said it, the easier it seemed to become. Sort of. And this was only practice, yeah? He could always try the charm again if it didn't go according to plan.
But then again... Jory had managed to do the spell in his first go! So, naturally, the fifth year felt as if he should be able to do the same as well. Nodnod. ... "In-TROO-duss... con-COO-shee-oh... InTROOduss... conCOOsheeoh... InTROOduss conCOOsheeoh... Intrudus Concutio... Intrudus Concutio!" There! Was he saying it properly? GRIN!
Now it was time to... perform the spell, yeah?
Taking a deep breath, the boy lifted his wand and shuffled a little closer to the door in front of him. "Intrudus Concutio!" he said with as much confidence as he could muster as he started tracing the outline of the door with his wand. Once he was done, he took a couple of steps back and turned to look at Jory. "Have at it, mate..."
It was sort of like all or nothing now. Sort of.
Jory nodded with enthusiastic agreement. He had found another ice cream fanatic! Sauce!
"I prefer mine with loads of sauce!'' Yep! Sugar overload!
"I think it should be that loud,'' the Puffer replied, still staring at the door. He nodded.
"I'm alright too. I mean, it's an alarm so we knew what would happen but man that was loud!''
Jory grinned and used the time as he waited for Alec to get a hang of the incantation to watch the others. Most were practicing the incantation too. Had he been the first to make the alarm go off? He shrugged and turned back to Alec, who was saying the incantation repeatedly and determination.
"Go for it!'' Jory told him and watched as Alec got to work on the door.
And then was Jory's turn to try the door. He grabbed the knob and wrenched the door open. He was ready for the alarm but he still flinched at the earsplitting sound that went off.
"That is loud!'' Jory exclaimed, and pointing his wand at the door.
The door was quite once more.
"Good job, Alec!'' Jory told the younger dude. He had done well indeed, getting it on the first attempt.
"High five!'' he said, raising his hand.