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She seemed passionate? Was the man's brain frozen? She taught the subject, possessed the Inner Eye and had devoted most of her life to the stuff; of course she was passionate about it. "Yes you could say that." She said with a grin. She didn't know if he knew about her abilities or not though and she didn't quite trust him enough to go into it all.
"Yeah it is." She said looking at him, her eyebrows pulled close together and her voice rising just a bit. Hopefully there weren't any students around. "And I am glad that Headmaster Tate took a chance on me because it helped me out when I most needed it." She was fuming just a tad but she wouldn't let him see her upset. Her talents were better served in a school than the street regardless of what 'ole frozen head from ze North' thought. "I had a job at the Ministry before though." She added with a huff.
So take that Erik!
And he was a non-believer. By the way the conversation was going Elwood could have picked that up on her own. "Many do not believe because they don't see results as soon as they try. Divination is not made up of spells you can quickly master it takes years and years of practice and requires utmost concentration." That was what she was teaching her students.
Erik's brain wasn't frozen but it
was maybe stuck on the setting for 'amused smirking,' as that was all he was doing at the moment. Watching Elwood, watching the tree, and smirking at his thoughts regarding this woman. What a basket case of kneazles she was, but at least she seemed to love her job.
With a passion.
Had he said something to tip her from the passionate side to the angry side? Erik was extraordinarily good at reading people, it was part of his job, so he noticed when Calista's voice rose ever so slightly. Throw in her defensive quip of her old job, supposedly at the Ministry of Magic, and Erik could sense one feisty little Divination professor. He didn't have to have his third eye open to see that.
Heh. Heh. Heh. But why stop now when she was only slightly upset with him?
"Is it vorth it, in the end, after all vhose years of practise and concentration?" he just had to ask, seemingly in a sincere manner as he again focused his wide blue eyes on hers.
"Vot if as much as you try you never see any results?"
Wouldn't that be frustrating? Maybe she wasn't a passionate little professor after all, but just a
frustrated one. That could also explain her nuttiness somewhat...