Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo So it had been a while since Dallin had been to Hogwarts. Or Hogsmeade, even, since that's where he was. The fundraiser was a nice excuse to go... Although it was a sad reason to hold a party. He was just very glad that he didn't go to the school during this time. He didn't know any of the details, but having to hold a fundraiser at all was not a good sign.
Dallin would enjoy this, though. He had his wife's hand in his and his son in the other arm. The one-year-old could walk, but since Dallin wasn't exactly sure where they were headed he was just carrying the boy. One-year-old toddles were slow and easily distracted. Carrying was easier.
The former Ravenclaw instantly caught sight of the food and led the way to the tables. Picking up a cookie he handed it to the baby in his arm, then grabbed a plate for himself. What to eat, what to eat...? Liam wiggled in his father's arm as he saw the cookies on the table. He leeeaned forward, trying to reach one himself, but his dad gave him one just in time. And he was content. He nommed the cookie, holding it in both hands, and carefully watched his dad's hands as they staaayed by the cookies. Could he have another?
Wiggle. He wanted down. He wanted more cookies.
__________________  COURAGEOUS | RESILIENT | FIERY everlasting companion |