Thread: Charms II
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Old 06-12-2013, 07:26 AM   #66 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Louis Bracken
Sixth Year

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Default I read all your posts, but just quoting a few.
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Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
"The Intruder Charm can sense an intruder and set off an alarm," Ella offered after raising her hand. "The Caterwauling Charm is very similar only I think it can cover a larger area? I mean, Intruder Charms are best used for a single house, yeah?"
Ivy was pleased to hear that these students knew what they were talking about today. Ivy nodded at Ella and the other students who gave similar answers. "Yes, very good."

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
"The Intruder Charm detects intruders and sounds an alarm. Similar to a muggle alarm system. The Caterwauling Charm on the other hand can be used on large entities. Say like Hogsmeade for example. If anyone stepped foot in Hogsmeade after a certain time. The alarm or high-pitched shriek would go off."

That shriek must be really loud when using the caterwauling charm.
Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
Sophie listened to what the others were answering and kept thinking of one detail about the Caterwauling Charm, so she raised her hand. "Professor, I think the Caterwauling Charm not only works in larger areas than the Intruder Charm, but it can also be set to work in certain times?" The badger said, even though she wasn't 100% positive about this fact. "I mean, I read that during the Second Wizarding War, for example, it was set in Hogsmeade to go off whenever someone went out after curfew."
When the two students brought up Hogsmeade, Ivy nodded, very pleased with their answers. "You are both correct. In the second Wizarding War the Caterwauling charm was once used on the entire Hogsmeade village to detect people - particularly Harry Potter - who entered the village after a certain time. Thus we can infer that the Caterwauling charm can be set to work in a specific time frame." Just a little history lesson to add there.

Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
He'd never heard of the intruder charm, and actually, learning how to unlock/lock doors sounded much more interesting. But Theo raised his hand and took a guess like everyone else. "Does it block intruders from getting in?" That would be much more useful than some lousy alarm.
Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
Raising her hand as she stood there in front of hers and Yarby’s door she just beamed. “Professor, do the intruder charms only warn us that there are intruders or are there different kinds – like a charm to make the door knob singe a hand if its someone who isn’t supposed to be there?” She asked, her face calm and kind and almost pleasant. Almost as if she would have been happy to burn the palm of an intruders hand.
Ivy nodded to the Slytherin when he raised his hand. "Good question. No, the Intruder Charm does not prevent people from entering. It only produces an alarm to warn anyone in the house. However... The Security Spell can prevent people from entering. We will get to that later." That was the second part of the lesson.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
And the lesson had started. Turning his attention to the professor, Mo listened as she informed them they were learning the Intruder Charm. The difference between the Intruder Charm and the Caterwauling Charm? Damage to the ear drums, actually. He raised his hand. "The Intruder Charm tells you that someone is there. The Caterwauling Charm tells everyone."
Ooh, yes, she liked his answer. "Excellent way of putting that, Mr. Branxton." She hoped everyone had been listening.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
West beamed and kept his next answer simple. He put his hand up, completely interested now.

"Intruder charms are a bit more discreet too, given they don't make noises for real big areas, and also you can focus them more directly on a particular room, or access point like a door or a window, while the caterwauling charm is kinda more general."
"Yes, thank you, Mr. Odessa." Smart kids, they were.

Okay, now that they had all spoken... "You all gave excellent answers. To summarize, we can conclude that the Intruder Charm is most used in households or smaller places and are, as Mr. Odessa said, more discreet. Caterwauling Charms are mostly used in larger areas, such as Hogsmeade in past times, and are much louder and disruptive than the Intruder Charm. Like Mr. Branxton said, the Caterwauling Charm will tell everyone when someone has entered the area."

Once that was clarified, Ivy turned back to the board and wrote the incantation for the Intruder Charm on the board:

Intrudus Concutio
in-TROO-duss con-COO-shee-oh

"To successfully cast an Intruder Charm, you must say the incantation while tracing the area you wish to be covered by this charm. In this case, you will be pointing and tracing your wand around the door frame in front of you. You could do the same with a window or any other way of entrance. Not only does the Intruder Charm detect when someone enters by door or window, it can also detect if they enter a room by other means, such as apparition, portkeys, floo, etcetera. If you wanted to cover a whole room or house with this spell, to detect when someone enters by other magical means, you would verbally repeat the incantation whilst tracing your wand around the perimeter of the room, or the house." Pretty handy, she thought.

"Today you will be learning how to cast the Intruder Charm on one of the doors in this room. No, they don't lead anywhere. They are simply, empty doors. If you don't have a partner, find one now. You and your partner will practice together the incantation and then one of you will cast the Intruder Charm on the door. Once you feel it is sufficient, your partner will walk through the door, and if the alarm goes off, you will have succeeded. You will then remove the charm with Finite Incantatem and your partner will repeat those steps and you will walk through their charmed door. Understood?" Ivy looked around at her students to make sure they understood her directions, or if they had questions.

"Get to work then!"

OOC: I want at least THREE posts per STUDENT for this activity. Feel free to use more, but you won't get extra points. (;

You have at least 22 hours to do this. If Peeves keeps this up, I'll give you a little extra time. I'm not going to do a demonstration, just because Peeves is taking up a lot of time and I want to leave as much time for you guys as possible! It's fairly self explanatory though, so good luck! If you have any questions, PM me or ask Professor Knox. =)

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