Bluejay | Potatopop! | SRS - Stupid Ravenclaw Syndrome
Books. Books are good.
She’d be a pretty bad Ravenclaw if she didn’t think so, though. The fourth year toddled down to the library, wearing her reading glasses as well as her brand new retainer. She looked, in her opinion, much smarter with glasses on, even if she didn’t actually have to wear them all the time. The retainer, however, wasn’t optional, according to the dentist she’d seen over Christmas.
She used her index finger to push her glasses further up her nose and peered around the door of the library. She just had to make sure it looked mildly interesting first before she made an appearance, ya know? Asdfghjkl Tea, biscuits and ice-cream. Yes, she was was definitely going to this shin-dig. “Hello Mr. Librarian.” She beamed and nodded at him. Was he even a professor? Beeeeetter not ask, if she wanted a cookie, yes?
Once she’d gotten her well deserved cookie and mug of tea (it was a long trek down from the Ravenclaw tower!) and sank down into a beanbag next to Ella. “Hi Ellagant.” She waved her cookie at the older girl before dunking it into her tea and holding just a tad too long and half of it went soggy and plopped down to the bottom of her mug. Sigh. Life was so difficult for a teenager who just wanted to dunk her cookie into her tea.
__________________  ... CONFIDENT ... FIERCE ... PERSISTENT ... |