SPOILER!!: Nessie!
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History of Magic homework, with her Ellacutie.
This would actually be fun considering HoM was one of the subjects Ness liked more. And Erik he was interesting, but she didn't mind him especially cause she had interviewed him once before for the Prophet. He was alright and his subject was good so she did homework with a smile rather than a bored face.
Following Ella, the red head entered the girls bathroom a little anxiously. Ghosts were not her favorite thing but there was only really one that truly frightened her and lucky for her, that ghost didn't really exist, it was only a boggart to her.
Mellow. Pout at that question. "Um...I hope not? But I mean what's the worst she could do?" Besides wail like a three year old, that was. They would be fine, they only needed to be here a few minutes only anyways.
As for the second question the pout remained as the seventh year looked around the bathroom. "I'm assuming near the basin, no..I think actually one of the cubicles because she always hides in them. Do you know which one she usually is in? " She walked up and down the cubicles peeking through each, just a little frightened the ghost would poof in her face. "You wanna cast the spell first or should I?" Because that's why they were here right?
"I guess you've got a point there," Ella said, giving Nessie a small smile. The worst that could happen is that Myrtle would start moaning loudly and they'd get a headache or something.
"Well...unless she decided to flood the bathroom. I've heard that happens sometimes, y'know." And hadn't Myrtle flooded Hadley's classroom? That had been unpleasant.
"Oh!" Bounce.
"You're right, I did read it was in one of the cubicles." Poor girl. Just going to the loo and then before she knew what hit her, Myrtle was dead. That was quite sad and a very unpleasant way to go.
The blonde wandered over towards the stalls and tilted her head, deciding she'd test one in the middle.
"I'm not sure which one she frequents most but I don't mind trying first. We can take turns until one of us sees something?" Seemed like as good a plan as any.
Stepping up to the stall, the blonde pointed her wand and said,
"Spiritum Revelio!" Just as she was saying this, she drew the counter-clockwise circle in the air and pointed her wand through it.
"I got nothing. Your turn."