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Meizzner Nigel entered charms classroom and was a tad bit confused. He would not let it show. But he did not understand why there were so many doors in this class He looked at the board for instructions. Well that cleared it up. So he would need a partner and a door.
"Hello, Professor"
Now to find a door. Nigel walked to a random door. He did not care which. It just had to be the most awesome door there is. Now to find a partner to pair with this awesome door. "Partner?"
West had everything he expected to need in his bag and he went into the class. Charms was so much better now he reckoned, so of course he was in a good mood going in. He greeted the professor and then looked around.
And the board said finding partners?
"I'll be your partner, Nigel." Grin.
"No broken arm though okay?"
No Bellaire so, he was PROBABLY safe.