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Giggling. It made Peyton giggle.
What? She was in a greeeeeeeeeat mood. Great moods were awesome. Just sayin'.
Peyton nodded while scooping up some ice cream. "Yep, super nice. It's like that one saying my big brother once told me." What was it? "Fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee." Something like that. Peyton made a motion with her spoon to mimic a bee stinging Lex, but didn't touch her with it. That bit of ice cream belonged in her belly. And so she ate it.
"How about we just "give" it to them as a present?" She scooped up more ice cream. "People like presents, it's in the human gene to." Right. "We'll even add a little bow on the bowl to make even more special." Her eyes twinkled.
She would loooove it if someone gave her ice cream as a present.
Lex clung to every word that Peyton said and giggled even more at Peyton's giggling. You know, this giggling thing was becoming contagious and now she couldn't tell if it was her giggling that was making Peyton giggle or if it was Peyton giggling that had
her giggle.
Didn't matter either way.
"Eeeeeeep!!!" Alexa bounced a bit where she sat.
"I've heard that saying before!! You're brother's real smart, you should tell him that some time!!" GRIN. It would have been the perfect strategy then they'd be spreading ice-cream in no time!!!
Lex gave a dramatic gasp.
"You are absolutely right!! They'll love it simply because it's a gift!! You know! We could also have a get together! People always attend those for the food and we'd have plenty of ice-cream to gift them once they arrive!!" No one turned down ice-cream at get togethers! Well...except that one kid but that was only because he was allergic. Poor guy.
"Sparkly bows will be best!" For the bow on the bowl bit.
"It'd make the ice-cream all shiny looking, wouldn't you agree." Shiiiiiny ice-cream.