06-10-2013, 06:51 PM
Charms II Another chilly Winter day left the Charms room a bit cool and drafty, but that's the way Ivy liked it. It made sure the students stayed awake and alert, rather than warm and cozy and sleepy.
The classroom looks quite different than normal today. The desks and chairs are gone. Instead, almost two dozen single doorways placed around the room in several rows. The professor is standing at the front of the room with her own doorway just a few feet away from her desk. On the chalkboard is a simple message: "Find a partner and pick a door.
Quietly." Class has now officially started! Please do not RP your students coming into class late, just RP them as thought they've been there all along. Don't want to lose points, now do ya! Class Progression: 1. Welcome to class / What are we doing? |